Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve

Our expanding family posing for a quick pic on our way out
to Church. We ate dinner AND took a pic AND were EARLY.
No, this is not the twilight zone and I am not lying.

Eva, Charley & their good friends, in front of the tree. I'm
practicing getting 4 kids to actually look at the camera at the
same time. 3 out of 4 ain't bad!

My GREAT friend, Nancy and I, all dressed
up to celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Me, all wrapped up and ready to be delivered!
(I WISH. Just a few more weeks to go. You
all BETTER be praying for Jan 14 or I WILL
NOT post pics of these little miracles. :-)

My mini macs, all dressed up in new Christmas jammies
from Nana. SO excited to celebrate Jesus'
birthday AND put out cookies for Santa and
go to sleep to wait for his arrival! Their sweetness to
each other is inspiring!

Stay tuned, loyal readers. I have quite a video treat for you later today!

with love,
giant tiff and the many mini macs.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas to all....

and to all, I wish for you the many blessings this season has to offer! I feel so blessed to be celebrating with my husband and children, waiting for my 2 little miracles to join our family. Those are the best gifts I could ever receive. It made me realize a few things...

We often get so caught up in the mad crush to have THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS that we forget to bless others with our time, our love, our charity and our joy. This is my first Christmas in too long to remember that doesn't feel like a madcap rush into a morning crazed with more gifts than I thought humanly possible. (Thank you twin mini macs for slowing your crazy mama down!) And you know what? It's great! I know my kids still have too many gifts under the tree and I spent too much money that I probably didn't have (and for once didn't use a bloody credit card), but I also know that we gave more to charity in this year than in any year past. As a family, we really explored the reasons for our celebration and we are teaching our children that Christmas is not about gifts and what you get, but it is a celebration of the birth of of the son of God and thereby our reason to give generously to others of our time, our funds and most of all, our love!

SO, throw those silly gift lists out the window, stop buying for the sake of spending and start celebrating with love, generosity of spirit, joy and the gift of your time!!! Imagine how much richer we'll all be.

Merry Christmas with Love from the richest woman in the world,

tiff and the many mini macs

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Best Christmas ever and so much more...

For those of you who think I have fallen down the rabbit hole...
At least it certainly feels that way. After 5 months of living single parent style... my wonderful husband (and love of my life) returned on December 7. What a joy these past 2 weeks have been. My girls are head over heels happy their Dad is home and I don't know what to do with myself half the time! (Besides also being head over heels happy that he is home!)
I would gladly post pics of them together, but can't seem to find any, since I have been so busy being happy these past 2 weeks that I have barely taken any pics. Sorry about the luck. :-)
SO, just a quick update and then I will post a few pics...(yes there are a few of me showing the BELLY.)

Charles is here until Jan 21, when he leaves again for TBS at Quantico. He gets appointed a Warrant Officer on Feb 2. Of course, I won't be able to be there, but I am counting on my Dad to make the trek and show some family love!

Funny thing is, I am not due with the twin mini macs until Jan 29... SO we are praying A LOT (as is our church) (and as you should be!) for God to bring them to us on Jan 14 (or thereabouts.) SO START PRAYING. (THIS INCLUDES YOU DAD... AND MARK)

As for the Marine Corps plan for our family after this school.... I can only tell you we have been told the following info in the following order:
Camp Le Jeune
Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton
Camp Le Jeune
SO, as it stands right now (and it is NOT in writing yet,) we are headed to Jacksonville, NC sometime in June. THIS is what we asked for, (yes, I know I said I would NEVER set foot there again, but times, they are a-changin') so please pray for this as well! (If you don't pray regularly, I expect you to now, since I have got some pretty big requests out there, so get to it! LOL)

Well, I suppose you gawkers wanna see those preggo pics, huh? WELL, drumroll please............................................................................................................................................................
Here we are... all 32 weeks of us!

SO, I suppose you want to see pics of my kids too?
WELL, here are just a few to tide you over til my next rambling...

Santa's little elves riding the train to the north pole to build
(or borrow) some toys!
The infamous candy cane bandit...
caught RED-HANDED!

A Painted lady... ready for Christmas cookies, presents and
an appearance by the jolly old big guy!

Okay, so that's it for now. My pregnancy addled brain can only handle so much caustic wit at one time. Stay tuned for pics with Santa and more fun holiday rambling!

Love to all,
tiff and the many mini macs

Monday, December 01, 2008

Dec 2, 2008... 13 years and counting...

Happy 13th Anniversary to my Wonderful Husband!

I Love your snuggles!

I Love our life!

13 years ago today
my father gave me away,
unto you
I said "I DO!"
I could never have foreseen
how you'd treat me like a queen,
giving all you can
because you're just that kind of man.
As each day passes
the time like molasses,
I imagine your embrace,
keeping me safe.
I can't wait til you're near,
til your voice I hear.
Not across the miles,
but accompanied by your smile.
I cannot begin to unfold
the love in my heart & soul,
it encompasses all
and knows no wall.
Each day when I wake as your wife,
I know this is my destined life.
For God has joined us as one,
what a blessing He has done.

Happy Anniversary My Love,

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 11, 2008 Happy Birthday to my big girl!

All dressed up and ready to party!

Crowned a birthday girl by her classmates!

Great big grins over the SUPER AWESOME ipod from all of her grandparents!

AND the cool docking station for my little music lover!

YES, I bought that. Angi, will you still talk to me?
(it got me big hugs and a you're the best, mom)
(totally worth it)

Ready to blow out candles and eat yet more treats!

Sweetly sharing with her sister! I love how great they are to each other!
(MOST of the time...)

And now, for the Evie birthday poem....

On November 11, 2002
God blessed us with you!
Our joy was unbridled
but we were OH SO TIRED!
Quickly, quickly, the years have flown by
It certainly brings a tear to our eye!
You bring so much love to our home and our hearts
We cannot remember our life before you were a part!
Sweet baby of ours, we celebrate your birth
With cheers, a few tears and lots of mirth!
As this year you are six
get ready for lots of kicks,
as our family expands
and mommy needs your hands!
I know you'll be great
so don't hesitate
to grow up just a bit
and be ready with the diaper kit!

We love you sweet bean!
Mommy, Daddy and Charley

November 11, 2003
One year old! Celebrating at Nana & Papa's house!
AND both Nana's were there! What a treat!

November 11, 2004
2 years old and already a jet-setter living in Okinawa, Japan!

November 11, 2005
Spooking it out for birthday number 3!
A ghoulishly good time was had by all!

November 11, 2006
Pretty ponies and plenty of friends ushered in the 4th year!

November 11, 2007
Disco dancing, jewelry making and tie dyed cupcakes rang in the start of year 5!

November 11, 2008
One very grown up girl, celebrating like Cinderella in her castle!
Happy 6th birthday, love!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all,
I, the halloween queen, have taken too many pictures even in this paltry picture year....
So, here are all the cute ones from the month long celebration!

Waving Hello and Happy Halloween to Daddy!

Scary Halloween Queens in festive outfits from Nana!

Checking out the goats at the Barbers Hill Fall Festival with Grandpa

Posing with Punkins at School Conference Night
According to her teachers, Eva is an excellent student,
ready and willing to learn and soak it all in!!
Yeay! I'm so proud of you Eva!

Angelina Ballerina, all ready to show off her costume at school!

Angelina Ballerina & Annie, ready for the festivities!
Annie won most original costume. Congrats!

A Storybook Witch and A Mouse Ballerina, off to the yellow
brick road to get sweet treats!

One very sassy witch!

Gathering the first piece of loot!

2 sassy witches swapping halloween treats!

I can help myself, thank you!!

Angelina Ballerina, Bob the Builder & Elphaba (from Wicked)

A rare moment of treat seeking together! Eva was definately
in a much bigger hurry than Charley!

The month of October was filled with lots of fun and exciting events...more to follow on our trip to Texas!

Love to all,
tiff & the many mini macs

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My damn opinion.

Why is it, that in this country founded on the principles of free speech and religious freedom, those of us who are not liberals end up vilified for speaking our opinions, voicing our concerns, and standing by our values?
Heaven forbid that I stand for...
  • Life, from the moment of conception
  • Marriage defined as between a woman and a man
  • Keeping God in our pledge and on our money (uh, hello, founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM...)
  • Kicking the crap out of whoever dares to murder innocent people in the name of zealotry (of any kind!), uh, hello World Trade Center? Plane in the Pentagon? Beirut Bombing? I could go on and on and on...
  • GOD
  • The right to speak freely about what I believe without fear of reprisal.
  • The right to expect the population of this country to stop blaming our economy on democrats or republicans and accept responsibility for this mess WE'VE CREATED. We all did. No one party did it all alone. We are a greedy, selfish, feel good society that MUST have it all. Our economy is in the toilet due in large part to THAT!
  • The right to be a Christian Woman who stands for raising a family based on moral values without having it villanized by those who choose otherwise.

And guess what... I have the right to say all this I am an AMERICAN. And I've chosen to say it all because I am sick of apologizing for my beliefs.

And just because I say it all, I dare anyone to call me a religious zealot or a hate monger. I'd appreciate that title be reserved for those who keep trying to commit terrorist acts against our free country and it's citizens. THOSE are the true religious zealots and hate mongers.


GO VOTE and make your voice heard. I did.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sweet child of mine...

Eva Grace.

So this has been a particularly tough week. I have yet another sinus infection, my leg is killing me most of the time, I'm exhausted and I DON'T KNOW anything about when my hubby will be home or where we're off to next year. HOWEVER...
I have this sweet 6 year old who surprises the heck out of me with her pure heart, insight and unconditional love.
So, monday I am on my way to the doc for my sinuses. Feel like poop and Charley is being a booger. My cell rings and it's Eva's school, letting me know she says she doesn't feel well and needs to come home. So I talk to her. And she sounds fine, but says she has a stuffy nose and cough and wants to go home. SO, okay. Off to school I go.
I get there and the nurse and I look at each other like... not so much, but hey, she's 5 so we'll humor her. So off we go.
After the doc and such, we head home. Charley heads to bed for nap and I head off to find my Eva. So I catch her in the kitchen. I sit on the stool and bring her over to me and just quietly ask:
Me: "Eva, tell Mommy why you really wanted to come home today?"
(As she looks at me, contemplating whether to fess up or not, I just wait patiently)
Eva: "Well, mama, sometimes I just miss you. And I want to be with you. And I knew that you needed me today."
Me: (crying) You're the sweetest little child and I LOVE YOU. Thank you for being so kind to mommy when I really need it.
Eva: "Can we watch a movie together? Just me and you?"
(At this point she could have asked for a new car and I would have charged one on my amex.)
Me: "You bet. Pick it out and let's watch!"
Eva: "No, mommy, let's both pick it. How about Mary Poppins? (she know this is one of my faves). Or Alvin and the Chipmunks, or... "
So, Alvin and the chipmunks it was.

I love being a mom.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

A video for my love...

Hi love, (and all of you who are subjected to this sappy message and video!)
Sorry to post it for all the world to see, but email wasn't cutting to get this to you. I figured it was high time I showed you what 23 weeks preggers with twins looks like!
Love you,

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Congratulations to...

My Hubby!!! Finally, after many months of waiting, we have been informed that my Marine has been selected for appointment to Warrant Officer!! Kudos to my love for a job well done, an appointment well deserved and promotion WELL EARNED!!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sometimes life is just...

full of tears...and joy... and laughter...and sad little girls and their mommies.
I must say, I've had a rough week. Emotionally more so than anything else. I feel like my emotions are sitting on the surface and I can just cry at any minute. As can my girls, apparently. Overwhelmed is how I feel most of the time, followed by lonely, with tired a close runner up. Funny, though, interspersed with all these sad feelings are incredible moments of joy, laughter, gratitude and confidence.
I guess, to sum it up...
I miss my husband so much it hurts.
I'm probably a bit more terrified NOW, getting ready to double my number of kids, than I was when I stepped off the bus in Parris Island. (trust me, that is saying A LOT.)
I am tired of always waiting to find out what is going on with the rest of my life.
I'm tired of living far away from my family.
I'm just... tired.
My girls are my greatest joy and having to be all things to them right now just makes me appreciate them and the gift of their love even more.
They seem to like me more, which makes my day, all day every day.
I have amazing family and friends here, who are making my life so much more bearable as they feed me, help with my kids, clean up my yard, get decorations down for me to get all holiday crazy with, plan a baby shower for me, and just take care of me all the way around.
I am pregnant with not one, but two, sweet little gifts from God.
I have Faith.

So, I guess, all in all, I'm pretty darn blessed, huh?
Amen to that, I say.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Babies....Babies...what can they be?

So, I must admit, I've known for several weeks what we are having. I decided to wait until I went back for another ultrasound to confirm. Well, the babies are GREAT, growing right on schedule and up to a whopping 11 oz and 12 oz respectively. I bet none of you are reading this, since you've all scrolled down to see what the pics say...

These are my babies!!!

This is my sweet baby A sucking ... thumb

This is my sweet baby B hiding .... face

This is Baby A again... do you see anything there?
NOPE!! I'm a girl!!

This is Baby B again... not shy one bit!!!!!!
What do you see under that arrow?
You guessed it!!

Blessings, blessings, we are filled with joy.
Blessed are we with a girl and a boy.
Answered prayers from our Lord.
A guarantee we will never be bored!
A bit in shock are we still,
Wait til we get that diaper bill!
The Lord never gives what you do not need,
4 children will fill our hearts indeed!
Thanks to all for your kind words,
now just sign up to come corral our herd!
Love to all from the clan mac,
our rapidly expanding pack!

Serious pregnancy brain...

So this morning I wake, exhausted because I am:
a. pregnant with twins
b. without my hubby
c. sick
d. going to bed too late
e. pregnant with twins!

As I make my way to the kitchen to start the ONE cup of coffee I am allowed (shouldn't I be allowed 2 since there are 2 babies?,) I notice there seems to be a lot of light coming from the garage. Well imagine my horror when I discovered I had slept the entire night with the garage door wide open, the door to the playroom and laundry room open! Thank God I live on base and on a quiet and safe street. Talk about a freak out. And the funny thing is, I could swear that door was shut last night when I went to bed. But unless there is some random phenomenon that makes your garage door open when you have the opener in your purse, I'm pretty sure I just forgot to check it. UGH.

In other mac family news: I am 20 weeks preggers as of yesterday and off to another ultrasound. Feeling good overall, just feeling HUGE already and I have a LONG way to go. I'm going to need a counterbalance weight just to stand up straight by the end. Maybe some ankle weights and some weighted undies will help. :-)

AND, I am currently seeking advice on cloth diapers (this does NOT include telling me I'm nuts,) as I've crunched the numbers and diapering 2 little butts for 3 more years is NOT in the mac family budget. I'm leaning towards Fuzzi bunz and kissaluvs with whisper wraps. ANGI & LUCIA: give me the scoop!!!!

Okay, off to the shower. Hopefully I won't forget anything today.

p.s. pics and info from ultrasound will be forthcoming!!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My next 10 favorite things...

about our trip to Maryland.

1. Diaper Head (self explanatory, see pics below...)

2. FINALLY catching my Mom standing in a parking space so NO ONE else can get it and taking her picture (this was on the ill-fated trip to Gilligan's, where we dined with drunks...)

3. Sneaking upstairs and peeking through the crack of the door to watch Ivy patiently reading to Charley before bed. One of the sweetest memories!

4. Observing genetics in action as Joey and Eva become little cleaning people. What can I say, cleanliness is next to Godliness AND it just really gives me the warm fuzzies. (I know, there is help for people like me...)

5. Charley & Haley snuggling in the sunlight.

6. Eva & Laura's little Shih-tzu. I swear she carried that sweet little puppy around for an hour! Makes me feel bad that her getting a little dog got trumped by the twins! Maybe next summer...

7. JoJo "reading" a magazine during a particularly contentious moment...

8. Supermodel JoJo...

9. Mommy Love...

10. The sweet sight of children off to play...