Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I think I just rocked him to sleep for the last time...

I think I wore him out on purpose.
I think I made him eat his dinner through his sobs on purpose.
I think I deprived him of a nap on purpose (2 days in a row...)

I think I am not ready to leave baby years behind.  I'm NOT READY!!!!!! (cue hissy fit, accompanied by jumping up & down, fist shaking, tears, stomping...etc...YOU GET THE PICTURE.)
I don't miss sleepless nights...(thanks to my revolving door of littles, I still have them.)
I don't miss barf and poopy diapers.
I don't miss the suitcase required to leave the house for a 5 minute errand.

I do miss...
baby breath...
sleepy snuggles...
sweet faces buried in my shoulder...
giant cloth diapered butts...
messy kisses...
arms held high to hold on tight...
sweetness, innocence, a face alight...

This season simply passed so fast...
I wish I could have made it last.
The days I wished would speed on by,
went so quick I cry and cry.
I'll find a way to slow the days,
I'll change my frantic, crazy ways.
If I don't, my regret will grow,
This much... I truly know.

I rocked him to sleep as I sang and sang...

clan mac mama