Friday, March 28, 2008

I don't wanna grow up...

My conversation with Eva the other day while driving home.

Eva: "Mommy, if I eat a lot, does it mean I'll grow up to be a adult?"
Me: "Um, yes honey. If you eat good food, you'll grow up healthy and strong."
Eva: "I don't want to eat any more food. I'll just drink water so I can stay a little kid."
Me: "Well, why don't you want to grow up?"
Eva: "I want to stay a kid so I can have lots of fun, cuz kids have more fun that adults."
Um. So what do I say to that? Gee, Eva. You're right. Stay little FOREVER! Please?

My conversations with Charley.

Charley: "I want cracker."
Me: "Not right now Charley, we're getting ready for dinner."
Charley: "I want cracker."
Me: "No, Charley. Mommy is making dinner."
Charley throws crackers on the floor and begins throwing all the magnets off the fridge, then decides that she needs to be held while I am preparing dinner and attempting to get Charles and Eva to help me out. HA. I am not holding her and now she is screaming, pulling on my pants and...
Charley: "I want mommy. I want mommy. MOMMY. MOMMY. MOMMY."
By now her face is bright red and splotchy, huge tears are spilling off her cheeks and I feel like a goober.

Ah, motherhood. Joy personified.

Other conversations with Charley consist of my asking questions of any type and Charley responding as follows...

OH, how I love age 2.

With love from the scullery maid/chauffeur/seamstress/personal shopper/short order cook/etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

or we could use the tom tom...

So, tonight I sang to Evie, as requested. We keep a missal and catholic hymn book in her room, which she loves to pick random songs from for me to sing. This is especially lovely when I have no idea how the song goes and my sight reading is quite horrific after years away from formal singing groups. Tonight, however, we picked a song familiar from mass and my butchering wasn't too bad. When I finished, she asked me why we sang "Christ be our light..." and so, of course, I attempted to explain that the song was telling us that Christ in our life was a light to help us to find our right path/way in the world. So my sweet little Evie looks at me and says, quite matter of factly...
"or we could use the Tom-Tom."
Enough said.

Out of the mouths of 5 year olds.
Which reminds of the time my niece Haley asked, after grace at the dinner table, why we say Amen instead of Agirls.


Saturday, March 15, 2008


My midgets with Derby, our former cat. (LONG story.)

are we. After months of agonizing and a lot of little prayers sent to St. Anthony (finder of lost things,) my Kindermusik stuff has reappeared! It seems that in the sadness and chaos that ensued after the loss of the baby, we left it at Our Lady of Fatima School. They kindly stored it until I happened to remember that is where I left it! I certainly hope this means our tide has turned. I do mostly feel like my karma has lived with the Tidy Bowl man since we got here. I am officially requesting prayers that we somehow manage to get more scholarship money for Eva to go to Our Lady of Fatima Parish School. Right now, it's just out of our reach, but we are hopeful and positive that things WILL work out. I realized when it became out of our reach, that it was even more important to our family than I thought, for reasons that are very personal, but very deep and spiritual for me.

On another note. I am a blog loser. Still can't seem to get on a good pic downloading/blog posting schedule. I'll download and post pics this weekend. I am, however, hyper organized first thing in the morning and have taken to setting out the breakfast for the girls, making the bed, doing laundry and straightening the kitchen and making airline reservations, all before 7 am. What the HELL is wrong with me? I should be sleeping. Jeepers.
Speaking of jeepers... JODI, call me back you loser.
And speaking of losers... angi, annie, and tami... CALL ME. I don't even have Angi's phone number. Jeez. like she moved to turkey or something.
AND... one more thing. my great pal Ali and her family are awaiting news/orders for her husband Paul to rejoin the USMC, so say a prayer that they get good news and of course, end up here! (I already have their house picked out. It's on my street.)

FINALLY, if someone knows where I can get an adjustable dress form for children, PLEASE let me know. I might actually get some sewing done if I had one.

Off to figure out WHY on earth Charley is playing in her roon 3 hours after I put her to bed. Oh, did I mention she was sick yesterday? Fever, rash, vomiting. Ah, the joys of mommyhood. I did, however, REALLY secretly enjoy all the cuddles I got. I'm sure that makes me a cruddy mom, but I'll take extra baby snuggles any way I can get 'em.

Love to all,