Saturday, October 25, 2008

My damn opinion.

Why is it, that in this country founded on the principles of free speech and religious freedom, those of us who are not liberals end up vilified for speaking our opinions, voicing our concerns, and standing by our values?
Heaven forbid that I stand for...
  • Life, from the moment of conception
  • Marriage defined as between a woman and a man
  • Keeping God in our pledge and on our money (uh, hello, founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM...)
  • Kicking the crap out of whoever dares to murder innocent people in the name of zealotry (of any kind!), uh, hello World Trade Center? Plane in the Pentagon? Beirut Bombing? I could go on and on and on...
  • GOD
  • The right to speak freely about what I believe without fear of reprisal.
  • The right to expect the population of this country to stop blaming our economy on democrats or republicans and accept responsibility for this mess WE'VE CREATED. We all did. No one party did it all alone. We are a greedy, selfish, feel good society that MUST have it all. Our economy is in the toilet due in large part to THAT!
  • The right to be a Christian Woman who stands for raising a family based on moral values without having it villanized by those who choose otherwise.

And guess what... I have the right to say all this I am an AMERICAN. And I've chosen to say it all because I am sick of apologizing for my beliefs.

And just because I say it all, I dare anyone to call me a religious zealot or a hate monger. I'd appreciate that title be reserved for those who keep trying to commit terrorist acts against our free country and it's citizens. THOSE are the true religious zealots and hate mongers.


GO VOTE and make your voice heard. I did.


thekellyfive said...

GO TIFF!!! For what it's worth I agree. Obama has all these plans to help the economy and maybe some of them may work and maybe we'll be better off because of it. I don't know... there's no way to speculate. However, I know that I cannot depend on any mortal man to care for me and my family like God does, so I HAVE to vote my moral concience and go with the candidate that most closely mirrors my beliefs... the laws not of man, but of God. Go you! I will not be David, caught in the hysteria of the army facing Goliath. I will see the giant for what he really is... someone defying my living God... and attack without fear... in this case by voting. Thanks so much for this!

Elisabeth said...

God bless you and God bless America!!!!!!!!!!

You are a true American. Our country was founded
on values and hard working people. One nation, under God.
Let's get back to our principles ...working for what we have. Let us not be a society that is completely dependent on government. Let us not wallow in a feeling of entitlement.
- Nicole Yancey

Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

I can't believe that some stranger emailed you -- how did she get your email? That is crazy! Our husbands make sure that we have the freedom to say whatever we want (I think Ted regrets that sometimes lol)People in this country are nuts -- they feel the world owes them something. If you don't like something in America, get up and make a change. We all have that right. Good grief!

The Solley Six said...

You should totally read Crunchy Cons! It's hilarious. And true.