Friday, January 20, 2012

A sweet birthday...

of cookies &; fire trucks...
crazy play with wonderful friends...
toys-r-us and legos...
out of this world cookies at barnes and noble....
animal crackers...
veggies tales...
cereal for dinner...
snuggles with sibs!
of love...

My M-n-M's singing Happy Birthday to each other...swapping birthday kisses and hugs...

Me...remembering the moment we brought them into this world and being Thankful, so Thankful....that God trusted us with them.

Happy 3rd Birthday Max &; Mercy...

Mama & Daddy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Mom, let me do it!


Mom, I farted.


Look at me, Mom!

I want my jammies!

Dude.  You ROCK! 

Sunday, January 15, 2012


you rock me?
Mommy, rock?

precious words...that lead to moments forever treasured. Sweet Sam & I in the chair, rocking slowly, singing softly...Max & Mercy, side by side, swaying, singing...all together.

Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir,

three bags full.
One for my master,
one for my dame.
One for the little boy who lives down the lane....
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Have you any wool?
Yes Sir, Yes Sir,
three bags full.
Baa Baa Black Sheep,
have you any hay?
Name your price and I will pay.
We spilled our milk
what shall we do?
We spilled our milk
can we get some from you?
Baa Baa Black Sheep...
Have you any wool?

Yes Sir, Yes Sir....
Three bags full!

What a Gift from God you are to me...
My sweet and precious child....
A gift from God sent here to me,
to bring up wise and strong.
To give to you the gift of Christ,
I have only so long.
Oh, hear me child, my sweet, precious gift...
engrave His words so deep.
Know them in your heart and in your soul
His laws you are to keep.
Precious in His sight you are to Him,
forever held so dear.
Each day you will live
He already knows
and loves you still the same.
Do not stray from His loving arms  
for He holds you safe and right
If at all you fear of things in dark
know that He is King of Light.
What a gift from God you are, my child...
So sweet, precious and right.
I will love you all the days of my life
I will love you all my days, my dear,
I will love you all my days.

Written from my heart....
by the hand of God,
A song for my blessings.
With All My Love....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A little help...

goes a long, long, way when you are sick, exhausted and at your limit.
I've got no wit tonight, nothing profound. Just a simple...
Thank. You. Wonderful. Friends.
for an afternoon of much needed rest, quiet and an opportunity to just be.

God is so Good. Just so Good.
His gifts are many.
His love is endless.
And I am just so grateful.

Because he brought these people into my life. Those who helped me today, those who help me other days, those who lift me up, dry my tears, encourage me, love my children, cut up my trees, fix my fence, change my light bulbs, cart my kids around, bring me soup, eat dinner with me & my crazy clan...

and those who just listen with a willing and giving heart.

Thank you, each and every one of you.
You all know who you are.
My love goes out to each of you with a beholden heart.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

sings Max. All of a sudden, Max sings. and sings. and sings! It's just the sweetest sound. And Mercy joins in... their sweet voices blending together... a natural harmony, a lovely cadence, a duet created in my womb that blooms a bit more each day, surprising me & delighting me.

Tonight, Sam rocked with me as they sang, watching them quietly...a bit fascinated, I think by them. Even after I snuggled him down into his bed, he lay there quietly, listening, watching, loving.

Charley needed some Mommy time at bed, which Mercy was unwilling to give...and then they just joined together to sing, pray and hold hands...

Max hunkered down on the floor, Eva reading to him. Mercy & I joined in, sprawled about on our bellies. Flashlight on, lights out, reading God's Word in the tiniest glow of light. Snuggling close, praying softly, singing joyously.

Eva...a later bedtime...nose in a book...growing, growing, changing, just one year from double digits...

A reminder from all around that my children are the best that God has given, the gift He has laid upon Charles & I.  Amazing.

Sunday, January 01, 2012

18 Years Ago Today, Part 2...

Okay, so please don't expect a grand, eloquent blog post. I do not have a way with words like my beautiful wife. But when I logged on this morning after church and read her beautiful post, I just wanted to write a few things here about the love of my life.

See, before we even went on our first date I had to work up the courage just to ask her out and even then I arranged it so that we went out with a group of friends. But as we went on more dates, I truly realized that I had found the woman of my dreams.

She mentioned the first night I that New Year's Eve when I told her "I Love You. I really do." She mentioned that it took me a while to "get there" and that she left once, sure she wanted to be free. And how I was patient, kind, forgiving, and loved her unconditionally.

What she didn't mention was how much of a pain I was during our first few years together, while dating. It was during these years, that she was the patient, kind, forgiving, and yes most of all, the one who loved me unconditionally. She put up with a lot from me during those first years. Times when any other woman would have probably given up and told me it was time to leave.

When I look back, I am the one who thanks God that she hung in there and did not give up on me.

We have been blessed in so many ways these past 18 years. And yes we are closer than ever. We share a rare bond, that holds us close even when apart.

Tiffany, I thank you for your wonderful post, it lifted me up when I needed it most. It was hard being away from you during this time of year. As I was walking back to my room last night, I was thinking of that night, 18 years ago, in that honky-tonk when I first told you, "I Love You" and also how we renewed our vows, 11 years ago, in Solana Beach. Then I wake and find your lovely post. Coincidence? I think not! I believe it is two hearts that love each other so much, that nothing can keep them apart!

I am counting the days until I return home and hold you in my arms so you can whisper...

I Love You Darling
And I'll be there.