Monday, September 18, 2006

My perfect Mom day...

I know you're totally thinking I spent the day at the Spa, right.
NOT!! I think today was my best day ever in the chronicles of Mommyhood. I started this fabulous day with a workout. Totally made me feel like me again and not just a milk factory/cleaning lady/reservations clerk/teacher/playgroup guru/etc.................
When I picked Evie up from school, we just decided to come home, play games, hang out with Charley, bake & enjoy each other. And that is just what we did! I never once felt like I just had to go clean something, clean out a closet, make a phone call, deal with business crap, or anything else that is so NOT important in the grand scheme of life. It was so the best day ever!
I don't think I figured it out until today. Being a Mom really is TOTALLY fun if you let it be. No, I can't junk the routine of life, but I can decide to make it less of a priority to be so TYPE A that my picture is in the Mental Health guide next to OBSESSIVELY organized disorder. There will be crappy days, sad days, stressful days. But days like today just totally make me forget all about those days. Thank God for my children, my husband, my family, my friends, my life. I am truly blessed. Love to you all.
Don't forget to...
Pay it Forward...

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