Friday, September 29, 2006

Look Ma, no lines!

THIS is... Only 1 Me!!

Funny thing. I was sitting in my bed, sicker than snot, last Saturday. Into my room trots my little Eva, artwork in hand. Lately, she's taken to ransacking the "art" drawers for supplies & tools to create her little picassos. (I am so prejudiced..heehee) SO, the sight of her with art was not an unusual one. What was unusual, however, was the fact that she had produced (UNAIDED & unpressured) her very own self portrait, as well as portraits of Charles & I. I took one look at that adorable picture she drew of herself & knew that what I was seeing was her vision, her picture, herself! I thought alot about that last post, wondering if I was being too...I don't know, "free?" Too judgemental? NOT!!! I knew in my heart that she was capable of that, I just needed to really see it in living color. She's been making leaps and bounds all summer in her fine motor, dexterity, inventiveness & her "pretend" stories & friends. To see it all culminate was so cool! It just makes me more determined than ever than I will never let my children be boxed in by the expectations or desires of others. I know what's right for my girls.
Watch out Picasso, Casatt, Monet & Van Gogh...
Here comes EVA!
I really am so totally prejudiced!

1 comment:

The Solley Six said...

Go Eva! hey tiff, you're so awesome and before you get too ready to leave okinawa just live it up while you're there. i'm reading your blogs and sometimes like- who IS this again? because it's like a new YOU our little oki-life is so great, affording you the time and island-style living to sit back and consider what's going to be important in your life. people nowadays (i use granny terminology sometimes) are so caught up in getting through today and catching up to tomorrow and i think so many are missing out on what they even want. they don't seem joyful- or to appreciate what they have, it's just getting to the next 'thing'. and it makes me miss oki and and makes me miss you and our mom-friend group. i will always cherish okinawa for giving me the time to consider what i want from mom-hood, from marriage, from my kids (happiness, not perfection). i'm still doing all that- you can do it anywhere- it just takes a little more work to avoid the hustle and bustle when everyone else is in it. ;)