Sunday, July 30, 2006

IT SUCKS when people leave...

I am sitting here, having just read my friend Angie's blog & now I am SO SAD!!!! I'm all teary eyed & melancholy & all that other crap. Angie not being here is like peanut butter without jelly. Ugh. The pitfalls of life in the military. I MISS YOU ANGIE!!!
A little background if you will...
Angie is my fastest friend ever. We met on the phone because of Kindermusik & I swear we were best pals in like 36 seconds. SO we've spent the last 2 years doing everything together & then she had to up & move back to the good ol' US of A. I swear I avoid calling because then I just miss her & the kids (and you too, bill!) too much.
Then, my friend Michelle had to move on emergency orders, my pal Ali is taking off for CA, Steph is Bremerton bound, Debby is soaking up sun in Florida, Tami is on vacation in sunny CA, need I go on? Not to mention all my wonderful friends & family so far away. Sometimes this halfway around the world stuff is for the birds.
Why am I whining?
and today it just sucks a bit more than usual for some bizarre reason.
well, I think it's off my chest now.
oh, one more thing. I haven't talked to my childhood best friend since Christmas & it sucks.
I'll post pics & happy thoughts tommorow. :-)
I promise

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