Saturday, July 08, 2006

this is so totally cool!!!

Haha! I can't believe we got this up & running so quickly. With my time management skills of late, I thought my kids would be in college by the time this was done! (Kind of like the scrapbook I never started for Evie but swear I'll get to eventually.)
As Charles said, we made it through our 1st typhoon with minimal bumps & bruises! To be honest, I guess I kind of like typhoons. It's an excuse to just hang at home, get caught up & spend extra time with my kiddos.
So, I started this blog after being inspired by my totally awesome pal, Angie. What a great way for everyone to keep up on clan mccawley happenings. As of right now, my girls are watching Beauty & the Beast for the gazillionth time. Actually, eva is watching & charley is just hanging out on the hello kitty couch, looking around. (I'm emotionally attached to the couch, Angie, so even though I really don't have room, I'm keepin' it!) Charley has now decided that she prefers to cat nap while others are around & that sleeping in her bassinet is for the birds. UGH, better get that squared away or I'll never stay sane. Actually I think she is just going through another growth spurt, because she is cat napping & wanting to nurse alot, so hopefully she'll like the bassinet again soon! Charley really is just the cutest thing with that mohawk, those giant eyes & her sweet smile. Melts my heart every time I look at her!
Eva is loving being a big sis & seems to be moving past her little bit of sibling rivalry as we settle into our family of four. I try to keep her busy with the usual activities & play dates so she doesn't feel like she's getting the short end of the stick. She is taking gymnastics & ballet for the summer & really loves both, although she seems to prefer gymnastics. She is also a FISH!! I swear that child would swim 24 hours a day if I let her. We have like FIVE kiddie pools in the backyard & Charles just keeps getting more elaborate in his quest to create the ultimate backyard "waterpark" & playground.
Here's a couple of pics from Sam & JoJo's MOST EXCELLENT visit. I'll add some more from Mom's SUPER FABU visit later. Hey Sam, I lied when I said I'd never show that goofy pic to anyone. HEE HEE!!!
Well, I'd best get some stuff done around the house, so I'm off! Missing you all,
Tiff & co

1 comment:

The Solley Six said...

oh cool! i'm so glad you're doing this. especially because i am so hopeless at keeping in touch unless we're making plans for this week! darling pictures make me feel like i'm there again...i remember typhoons, no power...good times! i haven't checked email in a week and i am ready to throw my cell phone in a cornfield but this way i can keep up with what you're all doing! we miss you!!