Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day posted by Charles

Mother’s Day
Celebrating the woman who is always there for her children, her husband, her mother and father, her brother and sister, her family, and her friends; all those she loves so much! How do you let the most important woman in your life know that she is loved, cherished, adored, respected, honored, important, beautiful, sexy, desirable, on just this one day of the year? Just as our other holidays have been hijacked by commercialization so has this wonderful day of honoring and cherishing mothers.
Celebrate the Woman, not the day!
All too often on Mother’s Day the focus is spent on the commercialization, the stuff that we buy these precious women in our lives. The focus of the day, and actually every day of the year, needs to be on that special woman in your life. For me it is the mother of my children, Tiffany. She deserves my love and attention on this day most of all. But honestly, the sacrifices that my wife gives of herself for me, our children, her family, and her friends throughout the year truly deserve my utmost love, respect, warmth, compassion, passion, and giving of myself to her each and every day of the year. It is not possible to show this amazing woman, this true beautiful gift of God, how much she is loved, adored, admired, respected, cherished on one “special” day of the year deemed Mother’s Day! Of course I will try, I will shower her with love, kisses, hugs, flowers, and yes gifts. But all of this fluff on Mother’s Day would hold so much more in her heart if I did it throughout the year, each and every day. I am not saying, flowers and gifts everyday. I vow to show the love of my life, this gorgeous woman who has walked by my side through our life, through our peaks and valleys along our 23 year journey thus far. We have had our bumps, fell into some deep pits, and been floating in the clouds so high in happiness. Tiffany has always been there for me, her children, her family, and friends; she always gives so much of herself. I vow to be there for her the same, not just today on this commercial holiday but each day of our lives. I want her to feel my love, to know that she is cherished, appreciated, respected each and every day.
I Love You!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Every day is Mother's Day. Every day is a day to celebrate the people we love. Your sweet family is loved by so many -- many of whom you've never met nor will meet. Your sharing the truth about grief helps those of us grieving -- we are not crazy. We are sad beyond measure. But thank you both for your moments of grace and glimpses of hope. Those are both hard to find through our tears.