Saturday, September 26, 2009

Military Families facing yet another crisis...

that our government holds at arm's length. Please read this blog:

Tracy Peterson & her family are in dire financial straits and are being forced into foreclosure and financial disaster. Please read her blog and contact your senators and representatives DEMANDING that the Homeowners' Assistance Program (, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, be fully funded and operational immediately.
It is bad enough that our country is in this financial mess, but when our servicemembers and their families are in a crisis that our government can resolve and should resolve, it makes my blood boil.

Funny, on my end, I spent most of yesterday morning on the phone arguing with a civilian and and a sergeant in the TMO office about our household goods weight entitlement. I KNOW what we rate, I KNOW we can resolve this issue and I KNOW that I cannot afford to have the government check my husband's pay for $2400 because they cannot manage to administer military moves in an effective manner. The red tape and hurdles that we have to jump through as military families are ridiculous. I have 4 children under 7, I have moved 5 times in 2 years, I was a Marine when that idiot sergeant was in diapers and I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SH*T.

I am beyond proud that I served my country as a Marine, that my husband continues to serve and that our family continually supports him. I love my life most of the time. But it's times like these that make me want to drive a tank up on capitol hill and force every one of the overpaid and underworked "representatives" of our american people to LISTEN to our military families. I tell you what, if you gave me, Tracy and Michelle 15 minutes on Capitol Hill, it might just make life a little easier for our military and a whole lot more real to those who have no idea what it's like to live this life.

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