For those of you who think I have fallen down the rabbit hole...
At least it certainly feels that way. After 5 months of living single parent style... my wonderful husband (and love of my life) returned on December 7. What a joy these past 2 weeks have been. My girls are head over heels happy their Dad is home and I don't know what to do with myself half the time! (Besides also being head over heels happy that he is home!)
I would gladly post pics of them together, but can't seem to find any, since I have been so busy being happy these past 2 weeks that I have barely taken any pics. Sorry about the luck. :-)
SO, just a quick update and then I will post a few pics...(yes there are a few of me showing the BELLY.)
Charles is here until Jan 21, when he leaves again for TBS at Quantico. He gets appointed a Warrant Officer on Feb 2. Of course, I won't be able to be there, but I am counting on my Dad to make the trek and show some family love!
Funny thing is, I am not due with the twin mini macs until Jan 29... SO we are praying A LOT (as is our church) (and as you should be!) for God to bring them to us on Jan 14 (or thereabouts.) SO START PRAYING. (THIS INCLUDES YOU DAD... AND MARK)
As for the Marine Corps plan for our family after this school.... I can only tell you we have been told the following info in the following order:
Camp Le Jeune
Camp Pendleton
Camp Pendleton
Camp Le Jeune
SO, as it stands right now (and it is NOT in writing yet,) we are headed to Jacksonville, NC sometime in June. THIS is what we asked for, (yes, I know I said I would NEVER set foot there again, but times, they are a-changin') so please pray for this as well! (If you don't pray regularly, I expect you to now, since I have got some pretty big requests out there, so get to it! LOL)
Well, I suppose you gawkers wanna see those preggo pics, huh? WELL, drumroll please............................................................................................................................................................
Here we are... all 32 weeks of us!
SO, I suppose you want to see pics of my kids too?
WELL, here are just a few to tide you over til my next rambling...
Santa's little elves riding the train to the north pole to build
(or borrow) some toys!
The infamous candy cane bandit...
caught RED-HANDED!
A Painted lady... ready for Christmas cookies, presents and
an appearance by the jolly old big guy!
Okay, so that's it for now. My pregnancy addled brain can only handle so much caustic wit at one time. Stay tuned for pics with Santa and more fun holiday rambling!
Love to all,
tiff and the many mini macs