Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back in the saddle again...

Well, WE HAVE LANDED. Finally back home and settling into a new routine for the school year. Yes, I am indeed the proud mama of a kindergartner. More on that to follow...
We had an incredible visit with my family in Maryland.

It started out on a VERY busy note, with lots of parties and get-togethers and ended on a quiet note of family dinners and time by the pool. My (big, LOL) little brother and his girlfriend, Jada, were already visiting when we arrived and we enjoyed a fun 4 days with them before they headed back to Florida to jump back into the daily grind.
They arrived in Maryland after a week in the tropics (cancun, I think.) I don't think I've ever
known my brother
to have nothing to do for an entire week, plus 5 more days at the end. It was wonderful to see him relaxed and he and Jada having such a great time. Makes me long a little bit for those carefree days of vacations sans children. Oh, who am I kidding, I'd give my left arm to have a week in the caribbean with my hubby while some else wipes butts and makes lunch and commands clean-up/bedtime! Someday... of course, I'll have to go in a wheelchair by the time I can get there. LOL
Staying with my sister and her bunch was GREAT! The kids had a smashingly good time, fought very little and overall, actually listened to Sam, Terry and I. YES, my brother-in-law was in residence!! The girls and I were overjoyed to finally get to see Terry after a year and 1/2.

Charley was especially interested in her "unca terry." I think it helped the girls to have Terry around as they adjusted to missing thier dad. Sadly, he had to leave mid visit for a yet another mission, but he'll hopefully return home in mid-september.
Sam and I spent the majority of our time applying sunscreen, sitting by the pool, visiting the
waterpark and feeding our children
ice cream and popsicles. We managed to cram in a day visit to Alexandria for fish pedicures (yes, you read that right), shopping and good food. Haley joined the big girls and we had a banner day. (Save for my nausea bout mid afternoon. :-)

I managed to also carve out some time to go a-visitin'. I drove over to Fredericksburg for the day to visit Michelle and her brood (the headley six) and Cassie and her new little pup (the boys were at camp and dan was working). The following week, I undertook a jaunt to Purcellville (A-dorable Virginia town) to visit Kristina and her kiddos.

(I actually got to see Tom too, for about 30 minutes at 11 pm!) That visit was hampered a bit by Charley, who decided to spend most of the night awake. JEEPERS. THAT was fun. Certain that she was suffering from an ear infection, I took her to the urgent care doc in Purcellville, only to discover that she was getting her 2 year molars and that I had a raging sinus infection that needed antibiotics. Overall, though, our visit was great and the kids had wonderful time. I also got to spend some time with my childhood pal Desma and her snuggable son Liam. Kristina, Desma, Liam and I went to a great dinner, followed by ice cream at our favorite childhood treat spot, Twin Kiss. (Sadly, twin kiss has lost some of it's charm as it's new owners have taken over and changed a few charging fifty cents for colored sprinkles and only using banana PIECES in banana splits, ugh.)

As for those who popped in on us... Aunt Connie made her yearly weekend appearance and spent time relaxing, snacking and playing with the kids. I'm so grateful that she willingly comes to us every summer, and this summer in particular, as she just went back to a hectic work schedule after a summer spent recovering from hip surgery. YOU ROCK, AUNT CONNIE!

Paige and Mary popped over several times with their broods and we got to also celebrate the one year anniversary of Paige's amazing school... Paige's of Time, for early childhood education. What an amazing year she has had and we are SO proud of her accomplishment!

In summation:
Here are my top ten favorite moments of the clan mac summer jaunt 2008... (in no particular order!)

1. Watching my Dad act like a goofball while he takes Charley swimming, laughing, blowing bubbles, jumping in and splashing.

2. Seeing all my girls (Sam's and mine) snuggled up together on the couches watching the boob tube and goofing around.

3. Sticking my feet in a tank full of fish, then capturing my mom, sam and haley on camera as they stuck theirs in!

4. Seeing old friends after too long and catching up on all things past, present and future.
5. The waterpark with the munchkins!

6. Feeling my babies move for the first time!

7. Hanging out at my Mom and Dad's and eating all the good food they always fill our bellies with.

8. Dinner at Mimi's with Auntie Re, Uncle Jim, Sam and our clans.

9. Chaos at Gilligan's as we attempted to eat dinner with 6 children, Sam, me and my parents in a noisy bar surrounded by drunks as it poured outside, followed by Eva getting in the expedition and asking Haley, "where the hell are my shoes?" (note to self, stop using "where the hell...)

10. A lazy afternoon at Mama Mohler's with my mom, my mama, my chitlins and old friends.

oh and #11. Seeing my girls riding on horses for the first time and LOVING every minute of it! (Thanks Laura and papa mohler!)

So, I guess that's the summer adventure 2008 for the clan mac. Stay tuned for highlights from Nana's visit, the first day of school and my ultrasound...



Aimee said...

Do you have a belly yet, I couldn't tell?

Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

Glad that you are back safe and sound. We had a great time seeing you and the kids. How is kindergarten? Where is Evie going? Can't wait to hear all about it!

thekellyfive said...

So glad that you had a great visit home! We're excited to see more "baby" pics! :)