Friday, February 26, 2016

Tomorrow, anew, we will begin.

the sorting, the shifting, once again.
Storage sheds filled with shattered dreams. 
Of a life left behind in tortured screams. 
Boxes filled with so many things...
Once held dreams aloft on wings. 
One side of me wishes to set it ablaze, 
to watch it burn in a hellish haze.  
To erase the memories, will it bring relief?
Or simply exponentially increase my grief? 
The other refuses to part even with ashes of a flower, 
the one Mercy presented me in her final hour...
Sam's scooter resides in a corner aside, 
the one he never got to ride.  
Pray, please pray for our strength to be vast, 
As we confront our precious past.  
One little trinket at a time, 
playing out in a bittersweet rhyme.  

Moments drift by on a breeze, 
gripping, grasping, I'm on my knees...
begging for His precious power 
to bring me through just one more hour.


Pray for us, friends.  Please. 

clan mac mama

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I took them to Costco again...

the 3 of them.  Instead of the 5.  I was blessed to have an "extra" in the form of the sweet boy child of a friend.  So I felt a little less naked.  A little less glaringly NOT MYSELF.  
Not a mom of many. 
Not that "blessed" mama everyone needs to stop and gawk at with her little tribe marching-(well...let's be honest here- careening...)-about.  
Not the one who gets her heart "blessed" every single time she even stops for milk at Walgreens.  

I am not that mom anymore.  
I can't commiserate on big family dynamics or crazy little people.  
I can't empathize when a fellow mama unloads about the chaos of many hands tugging on her skirt...
I can't, I can't, I can't.  
Because it isn't my life anymore.  

I'm not the mama of many.  No one stops me to bless my heart, ask me if I know "it" happens, or "are you done?"
Until today.  
The sweetest man in Costco today stopped me and asked if I had "just 4" kids!  
"Are you done?" he queried, "don't you want just one more?" "It just seem like someone is missing..."
Just. one. more. 
YOU HAVE NO IDEA...I screamed in my head.  
"Five," I finally stuttered out, "I actually have FIVE kids."  
"Well, that's just wonderful!" he answered, his face alit in the sweetest grin.  
He simply had no idea. 
Not one inkling that the innocent question he threw at me in jest would shatter my fragile peace once again.  
Not one clue that I felt like SUCH A FAKE.  
Because I don't have 5 kids anymore.  I have 3.  
2 of them aren't mine anymore.  They belong to Jesus.  In truth, they never belonged to me to begin with. They were never JUST mine... 
So, now I have 3.  
And I spend every waking moment worrying, contemplating, begging, pleading and beseeching-
please don't let me screw this up.  
Please don't let me make any choice that will put them in harm's way.  
just keep them safe.  Lead them, love them, fill them to the absolute brim with your presence, your holy spirit and your perfect, pleasing voice.  
Please, help me learn how to have just 3.  Equip me to straddle the gaping canyon in our life where there used to be 5.  
Convict every person who knew them-
TALK about them. 
SHARE your heart. 
TENDER your memories and...
SPEAK their names!
Don't ask us for anything other than to simply survive.  
And if you see us struggling-
Don't shy away in discomfort, expecting someone else to fill the void and pretending you don't see the tears streaming down our faces.
Truly,  I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.          
Matthew 25:40

We, those who live through hell on earth-we are your least of these.  
None of you, NOT ONE, would ever choose these shoes.  So, please, whenever you have a moment where you think we're OK! peer DEEPLY into your hearts, your souls and your spirits and ask this one simple question.  
If you were faced with the life we now live, would you be ok?  
Would you, could you...
be OK?  

simply so tired...
clan mac mama

Monday, February 15, 2016

Who knew a hallmark holiday...

could wreck me.  Rip my heart into a thousand tiny shreds all over again.  Wash over me with a sadness so deep, so profound that my body felt too heavy for me to carry.

I wrote them all Valentine sentiments.  Even Mercy & Sam.  I know they can't read them, I know there is no Valentine's Day in Heaven, I know it's just for me, and for Charles, and for Eva, Charley and Max.
Yet, the Mommy in me is terrified they somehow think or feel that we are forgetting them.  That they will know and be hurt if I don't remind them of how much they are loved, missed, cherished-how perfectly God created them for the life that they lived.  How connected to Him they were because they had such a short time to influence the rest of us-to leave their legacy-to inspire great FAITH.

I'm trying every. single. day. to find it somewhere.
In the soft and gentle hugs of my Max.
The gentle whisper of a breeze when Eva whirls by, dancing her heart out.
Hiding in the pools of Charley's inquisitive eyes.
Radiating from the selfless servant heart of my precious husband.
Infusing the cries of the prayers we whispered to our precious Holy Father when it all just became...
Too. Much.

Sometimes the strangest part of this is walking through it with Cassie.  As I watched my 13 year old wander off to bed last night, my heart broke again for the loss of her innocence.  For the pain she hides behind her eyes, for the cracking and shattering of the rose colored glass her eyes were once hidden behind.
And I flashed back the day we brought Eva home from the hospital, Cassie meeting us at the door, taking our picture in front of the sweet stork in our front yard, Noah and Gav fascinated by this little tiny human.  With an intensity that nearly knocked me over, the desire to be back there once again washed over me...back where we began, where life seemed so complex, but was yet so simple.  Because they were all alive.  And despite whatever seemingly insurmountable life complications we thought were in our way...
we were happy.  We were whole.  We were mommies.

I woke this morning to the bleeding of her heart, voicing a carbon copy to the hole in my soul...

I'm tired of being broken.
Tired of being sad. 
A part of me died that day. 
I want to feel better. 
I want to feel joy.  
Instead I just feel tired. 
I feel different.
I feel subdued. 

I'm tired of feeling alone. 
I miss him. 
Tired of having one kid instead of two. 
Tired of cringing when a stranger asks me about my kids.  
I just want to feel normal again. 

I know EXACTLY how she feels.  And it's not often one soul can say that to another.  But I can.  And I wish I didn't.  I wish she didn't know how I feel.  I wish I didn't know that we'd never be "normal" again. 
Sometimes I wonder if she would have let him finish driving alone if she wasn't distracted by the horrific circumstances that had invaded my life.
And now, because it's what we do, I'll somehow find my own blame in her pain.
And I know it's not my fault, I know that if she had still been following him it would have been even worse, because she would have been following him instead of the doctor who saved him and gave her the gift of 6 days. 
But because I love her, I want to take a piece of her pain.  Take just enough to make her see the tiniest spot of hope.  Take just enough to make her a little less tired.

We did that for each other when we first met.  We had the uncanny ability to somehow shoulder one another's burdens, to be the wall the crap got thrown against, to motivate the other to step a little higher, work a little harder, strive stronger.

And now?  For the first time ever-we truly know how the other feels.
And it sucks.

On a epic level, life without our kids sucks.
It's a bond that we hate, a bond that we'd sever in an instant if it meant one of us could have our kids back.

And I wish I could say I only had one of those bonds.  But I don't.
I share it with another set of precious friends, friends who traveled this road before Charles and I, whose love and wisdom has kept us afloat when we thought we might drown.
I see it in their eyes too. And in the eyes of every other "left behind" parent we've bonded with in this awful club.   
Longing.  Soul crushing, heartwrenching, faith shaking LONGING.   
For what was, what is, and what will never be.

Tenaciously, we cling to what is left of our lives.  We cling to the future of the children we have left, and we pray, we beg, we plead and we bargain-
for them.

For the loss of their innocence, the longing in their eyes, the pain and the holes in their hearts.

We plead for joy, for the passage of time and for the patience to wait for the peace that will only come when we are each reunited as the families God created us to be.

With the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.  The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.              
                                                                                      2 Peter 3:8b-9

As always,
with love and by His Grace,
clan mac mama

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


the Word.  The Holy, precious, life-giving and soul healing Word of God. 

It's my manna.
It's the blood pumping through my veins, the air I breathe, the song in my heart.

I answered a question today.
Why do we Praise & Worship Him?  Him who sits on the throne, our great Redeemer, our sovereign Lord, our precious Prince of Peace?
For me, the answer was simple.
Because I have to.
Not to get to Heaven, or simply avoid the hot seat fires of Hades, but because deep in the pit of my soul, I HAVE TO.

It started when I was about 8.  Life was not an easy road for Sam & me back then, our family was taking a heartbreaking journey.  And I was scared, sad and I felt so alone.
And then I didn't.  From some hollow buried deep in my heart, I felt a presence fill me and gently nudge me.

So I did.
And that GREAT BIG GOD answered a little girl's prayer.
A prayer she prayed every night, without fail for 2 years.
And that heartbreaking journey?
It ended with a new home, a new brother and a little girl convinced.

I wish it ended there.  I wish the heartbreak never came back.
But it did.
Over and over and over lost innocence, shattered relationships, broken dreams and, finally- the soul shattering screams of an anguished mother clutched in the agony of grief.

In it all, the manna has always been there.  Precious words that have the ability to fill my soul and nourish me just when I'm nearly dying in the throes of spiritual starvation.  

I've been starving, my friends.  STARVING.  

Nothing, it seemed, could penetrate the fog filling my heart, my soul and my mind.
Until today.
Witnessing the love of Christ in a room full of broken hearts, love that came together and multiplied HIS manna into enough to feed us all.

And a precious reminder of my own need to Just Be Held...
For my broken heart to be covered with an oil of gladness that only His Word and Holy Presence can provide.
Folks-it's a journey.  Life...A roller coaster ride through the heights of Heaven and the depths of Hades.   For me-as my husband loves to say, I'm like a ping-pong ball on a bungee cord.  And it's not going to get any easier any time soon.  I will miss my children with every fiber of my mommy heart until the day I am blessed to be called into the radiant and glorious presence of my Savior.

So until then, til all is made new and the shards of my heart are mended...

I will sustain myself with His manna-

Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it."  So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
                                                   Ezekiel 3:3

Honor Him with my life- 

...choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him.  For the Lord is your life...
                                                   Deuteronomy 30:20

Will you?
As a wise woman I know and love would say-
The choice is yours and the choice is mine.  
clan mac mama