Monday, September 19, 2011

Sumo Sam...

is my little man.
Strong as an ox, you are. My strongest baby man by far.
Your birthday came and you turned 1, since then you've had just so much fun!
Walking, walking, on the move, you've got your sumo Sam man groove.
A bottle of milk you often covet, smacking your lips because you love it!
Quite a temper you have acquired, displaying it whenever you desire.
Mostly when big brother snatches, your wrath he then catches.
Sometimes cranky when your belly rumbles, you then let Mommy know with grumbles!
It's often a loud and short little bark, kind of a silly "arghk!"
Before you started your ambulating, you'd crawl like you were speed racing!
Sam, my Sam, my sweet, sweet boy... oh you bring me so much joy!

Sweet boy, the summer has come and gone. You've grown up so much...your babble has turned into words...MaMa, More, Milk, BaBa

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