Wednesday, May 27, 2009


man, my girl is rollin'! Mercy Elaine officially rolled over today, May 27, 2009!
She might be tiny, but she is mighty...

Other fun things in M-n-M world...
Giggles, giggles and more giggles! Nana has discovered their sweet spots and spends inordinate amounts of time coaxing little laughs from the midgets. She has also discovered how to get them to talk to each other. It is so amazing to see them notice and talk to each other. I have a feeling I'm in for it with these 2.

Mercy has a set of lungs that she LOVES to exercise at whim. For such a light eater, she sure throws a mother of a fit when she is ready to eat all 4 of the ounces she deigns to drink...provided it is just the right temperature. If I'm lucky and stop to reheat the bottle, she might eat 5 1/2 or 6. Where the fat rolls on her little legs come from is beyond me, but apparently she is eating enough to make them.
Now, when Mercy exercises said lungs, it scares the ever loving daylights out of my little man and he lets loose with an ear splitting wail that gives me hope that he might one day be my little rock star. Of course, his face turns a shade of red that I know cannot be natural and the ear splitting wail is proceeded by the silent mouthed O. You know you are in for it when the O appears. As for eating, I know where his fat rolls come from. And I have the very small bank balance to prove it. That child is an eating MACHINE.
More funnies...
Mercy has legs that move a thousand miles a minute. Future track star? I prefer to imagine a future Karate champ. (You all know I am SO not a sports fan. Hell on earth for me would be jock children.) As a matter of fact, I think I'll pretend sports don't even exist until my kids are grown and can then decide to hate sports for themselves. Either that or they'll decide I was a horrible mother because I didn't spend every waking moment shuttling them from one stupid sports practice to another. Hopefully I will have moved us all to a compound by then and they won't even know sports exist. Other than dodgeball, ping pong and the plate/trash can game.
SO, with these legs, she manages to scooch all over the crib, occasionally thwacking Max in various body parts, to which he responds with one slightly opened eye and a serious look. Then he drops back off the planet.

Speaking of off the planet...
Max is the cutest little bedtime man. You lay him down (ON HIS BELLY, YES I AM A BELLY SLEEPING MAMA, SO REPORT ME,) and he smashes his sweet little face into the super soft sheet, scrunches it back and forth, rubs his little hands around, then just drops off. Like that. No muss, no fuss, just a snooze.
As for my Mercy, after she has rubbed her little face back and forth several times as I am trying to shove her binkie in, she requires her butt in the air, her right hand pointed down toward her little belly and her left hand strategically placed to either push her binkie back in or knock it out. I venture to say she knocks it out more than in and I can prove it by the number of times per night I am required to stumble to her room to shove the bloody thing back in.

Max grabbed Nana's nose the other day. As my Mom's nose is quite small, this shows excellent hand/eye coordination, giving me more hope for the future rock star.

1 comment:

Dim Sum, Bagels, and Crawfish said...

Can those two get any cuter?! Can't believe how much they have grown. Starting to feel stressed about our move but peeking in on your blog is a good reminder to stop the heck do you PCS with four kids, especially when two of them are under a year?!