Monday, June 23, 2008

Long Lost Blogger...

found again in the midst of chaos reigning on the sunny coast of CA.

Seriously, we've been so busy with block leave, trips to Palm Desert (courtesy of my most generous Uncle Mike and Barbara THANKS!,) projects around the house, briefings and cramming in time with my AWESOME friend Nicole (who is moving in a week,) that blogging has gotten shoved under the rug.

I'll just dive right in to an update on my midgets. Hmmm, where to jump off with Charley? SHE IS TWO. In every stinking sense of the word. She purports to understand me when I'm telling her what she wants to hear, but looks at me in the most evil manner when I'm telling her No. She then proceeds with whatever it is she was doing that she's not supposed to and just keeps on grinning. I have several choice words to describe this, but have decided that I don't want to add curse words to Charley's vocabulary of Fart, Poop and other body/potty words, so I'll keep those to myself. By the way, when she says Fart, she says it boston style, with a slurred R and it is HYSTERICAL. I hate to admit it, but I've been known to encourage her use of the word. Oops, mommy blooper. She is currently picking out most of her own clothes, so my sister Sam and my Mom will now be doubly embarassed by the appearance of my little street urchins. And I am often guilty of forgetting to brush thier hair before we leave, so suffice it to say that I now keep hair stuff in the glove box. (My sister would throttle me if she caught me with unmatched AND ungroomed children, so I try to just go for unmatching.) Which reminds me of the time I let Joey pick out her own clothes one Christmas season when Sam was at work. Now that was a look I'd loved to photograph! That could be why Sam won't let me get the kids dressed anymore. ANYWAY, back to my clan mac comedy.

So, Charley has also decided to use my counter height table/chairs as launching pads for her circus act. WHY, oh WHY, did none of you good people remind me that child #2 is always evil and a climber and talk me out of said counter height table/chairs? LOSERS. And finally, Charley has decided that big slobbery kisses and many hugs are the theme of every day. So, in the end, she redeems herself.

As for my Eva...oh the drama of being 5. I sincerely hope this is not a prelude to teen years. My pal angi said it is unfortunately a prep year for the drama of being 6. I don't know if I can take 6, so she might be moving in with Grandparents or my sister or her aunt connie or... Just Kidding! She is her usual adorable self most of the time, but Mr. Hyde rears his ugly head at random moments during the day and I am forced to confront the monster. The fits are usually in relation to either not getting her way or having to clean up and involve sassy backtalk, jumping up and down, stomping and flapping of hands. IT'S GREAT. I am going to videotape this and play it back to her and then maybe she'll stop out of sheer embarassment. Or not. She is truly growing up, though and while it's so great to see her blossoming, I do lament the loss of my baby. Boy, the first day of Kindergarten may require xanax or valium or a lot of alchohol. Oops, can't do that, the hubby won't be here, so I have to stay sober for the other little midget I have to watch like a hawk.

Well, I don't know how much real info about my midgets you've gleaned from this, but it sure was great to blog it all out! I'll post plenty of pics with inane comments and you can piece it all together from there.

Stay tuned for more the clan mac...



Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

You met my Theo, right? Enough said about the second child. And the third could be even worse. I tend not to take the two of them out in public unless it is absolutely necessary! :)

I think you need to move here so we can hook Nicholas and Charley up. They sound so much alike -- trouble but so loving!

Oh, and poop is the word that drives me nuts here. Bella loves to yell "Poopy" especially followed by "head" while pointing to a stranger AT THE COMMISSARY! Hence the reason why I do not take her out in public often!

Anonymous said...
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thekellyfive said...

I have the opposite situation... Annalise gave me such a hard time so I feel like karma gave me a little bit easier of a go with Addison :) Wish we could hang out! And I like your #16... you should make your own "guide" :) I'm sure you would crack me up and I could probably use a few! ha

Unknown said...

I hear you on the kindergarten thing...I'm looking forward to/dreading it myself!

LOL @ the second child thing. Christian is pretty mellow but lately he's taken to adding "from my bottom" to the end of sentences and, well, just try it...make for some very interesting conversations!

Glad to read you're all doing so well!