Thursday, August 23, 2007

Home again, home again, jiggety jog

I HAVE A HOME!!!! I have never in my life (boot camp, mos school excepted) lived so long without a place to call home. I cannot tell you the emotions that bubbled over when I finally got to walk into MY home. Granted, it looks like a tornado hit a toy store, a kitchen supply, a clothing boutique and a furniture store, then dumped it squarely in my new house. I've been digging my way out, one mess at a time, since I woke up on tuesday.
Saturday, September 1st
Well, it's now a week later and I'm still digging. I had made some pretty awesome progress until the movers finally arrived with my storage shipment. If I didn't need this stuff for 3 years, forgot what I had and am now just irritated with most of it, what was the point of storing it? AHA, this brings me to my "thought of the day..."
seriously. Americans have TOO MUCH CRAP. case in point: my garage is overrun with enough books to stock a library, an entire extra set of living room furniture, office furniture and countless boxes of stuff I am afraid to even open. and I am NOT even a pack rat (anymore.) I've learned one thing from my seemingly endless cycle of relocation...
ONLY keep it if:
it is functional for making your life easier
it makes you look like a BILLION bucks
you will fall apart if you no longer own it (this applies only to childhood memorabilia, inherited items & your kid's memorabilia)
aforementioned memorabilia needs to be kept to a REASONABLE level, i.e. a few things from each year for your kiddos and a few for you.
your spouse will divorce you if you chuck it (unless the single life is oddly appealing and you are sick of doing tons of laundry)

PURGE it if:
you have no idea what it is
you can't remember why you bought it to begin with
it creates a fire hazard

SELL it if:
you can retire on the proceeds of the sale OR
you are broke. (hmm, wonder where i got that thought, since i just spent enough money at target to feed my family for 2 months. donations can be mailed to... :-)

okay. so purge your crap, streamline your life and spend more time laughing, loving and living.
AND. don't be mad about stupid crap. life is too short.
hi ho, hi ho, it's off to drink wine i go. i'm all "sorted" out.
til tommorow, that is.

i promise to post pics next time.

luv to all

Thursday, August 16, 2007

love travels

i'm sitting in my parents kitchen, surrounded by my kids, my nieces, my mom & dad and a LOT of chaos. it is the best place to be. the only thing missing is the men. Charles, Terry and Markie. WE MISS YOU!
this time here has gone an awfully long way toward helping me learn to deal with the loss of my little one. i was doing fairly well until today. i spoke with my doctor today, who had the results of my genetic testing. i think it may have been easier if i had just blindly gone on thinking that something had to have been wrong for this to happen. turns out i was wrong. he was perfect, normal. i'm trying awfully hard to convince myself that it is beyond my control, that it is God's will, that I WILL get to have another baby. i guess i just need time.
my family has been amazingly loving, giving and helpful in this time. I cannot imagine life without their love and support. eva and charley have had a fantastic time, i have enjoyed every moment with them. i've been lucky enough to visit with my extended family as well as my friends from oki and from here. THANKS so much to angi, debbi & michelle for driving out to visit. my connection to each of you has not diminished one iota and i so miss you!
i've learned something else from this visit. life is not about what happens to you, it is about how you choose to live with it. every one of us has a moment or a situation that seems unbearable. just a few minutes ago, i had the thought that i just had to wake up soon, that this couldn't be my life. then i realized that i just have to be thankful, i have to be grateful, i have to appreciate each and every part of my life. the good and the bad. i have the 2 most amazing children and a husband so incredible i often wonder how on earth i could have landed him.
so i guess it all boils down to time. it's what i need to heal and what i need to realize my dream of more children. thanks to you all for your love, support, kind words and most of all, the gift of your time.