Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself or lamenting my lot in life, I get reality checked. It might be something as simple as seeing someone who has no home sitting under an overpass on a piece of cardboard or as complex as a friend who is pregnant with her second child in a foreign country while her husband fights a war that seemingly has no end. This morning I cried as I read an email from a good friend who apologized for wearing her heart on her sleeve. What on earth should she apologize for? If more people wore their heart on their sleeve instead of some stupid logo or an overpriced purse, maybe she wouldn't feel self conscious about being emotional when she has everyone right to be emotional! Okay, no soapboxing, just some good old fashioned bragging about my kids!

Evie and Charley have started bathing together and it is so CUTE! Charley loves the water, splashing around like a fish, while Eva dumps water over her head to "clean" her. I think Charley is a transplanted fish. She LOVES the bath, the pool, the ocean, the rain. Dumping water over her head just makes her smile and splash more.

Samurai Baby preparing for mealtime! Self-feeding is definately high on the list of priorities for my chunky monkey. FINALLY, she holds her own bottle and loves to sit in her highchair and stuff herself full of puffs (or as evie calls them: floams), dried fruit and wagon wheels.

I would say something cute about this picture, but at this point, I am so SICK of messing with this stupid website that all I can say is HOW CUTE is MY KID.

Okay, now I'm just done, since I've been trying to mess with this post for 3 days. Check back later when I'm not ready to blow up the computer.



thekellyfive said...
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thekellyfive said...

If you're coming home this summer, we have to put Charley and Addison in the tub/baby pool together because I have a feeling it would be sheer pandemonium!!!! I was just getting ready to put up some pics of Addison in the tub, but I'm seriously concerned that my camera will be destroyed from the flying water in the bathroom. She is WILD!!! Annalise always says, "Do I get to take a bath with the WILD WOMAN???" They are so cute and it makes me feel slightly ill to see how big Evie is getting :(
Love, Debbi