Sunday, February 25, 2007

Munchkin on the Move!

A baby on the move creates the highest level of anxiety. There should be a red phone somewhere that has a direct link to a team of highly skilled babyproofers that you can pick up like the BATPHONE and recieve immediate assistance from these superheroes. As you can see, her royal chunkiness is on the move. Commando crawling everywhere, taste testing everything in sight (including the 75 year old who knows what metal kickplates under the doors,) following mommy, evie and daddy, investigating and generally wreaking havoc on the household McCawley. Holy moley, she is FAST, too! When she sees something her little hands (or mouth) must have, it's like the 100 meter commando crawl trials at baby olympics. And, trust me, she would TOTALLY win.

In addition to this baby nobel prize worthy accomplishment, we have graduated to small bites of table food (can you say heimlich manuever,) real baths in the tub, clapping hands and possibly, just maybe getting ready to say MAMA!! Oh & did I mention those adorable 2 lower front teeth?

Charley's personality certainly matches her baby kewpie doll looks. She has got to be the sweetest child out there. Happy even when teething, the only thing that sets her over the edge is too much time away from Mama or a little tumble that knocks her wind out. Boy, you would think the child had a limb removed without anesthetic when she falls over. NO doubt in my mind that she has the LOUDEST scream on the island of Okinawa. She can however, shut her fingers in the drawer of the step tonsu and she will only grunt in response to that indignity. Hm. Can you say DRAMA QUEEN?

Speaking of Drama Queens, my little love bug is certainly deeply entrenched in the drama that is year 4. That little cutie pie has discovered her inner diva. My search for patience has gone so far beyond counting to 10 that I have discovered a new number. Alert mathematicians everywhere. It seems that every task requires negotiation, every meal is DRAMA and asserting herself is #1 on the priority list. While I'm over the moon that she is learning independence and how to make good choices, I secretly long for the days when Mommy was the coolest person on earth and hugs/kisses were 1st on the list of to do's for the day. The angst of "my baby is growing up," has already set in and she is only FOUR. Crap, I am so in for it. Reserve my spot on the funny farm.
Me, I spend my days hoping that tomorrow I'll wake up with the secret to raising good kids. It seems like every day I come across a new and disturbing issue that I must wrestle with to figure out how to NOT damage my children. Lately, I am obsessed with fear over moving back to the US. It's not my fear of moving to a place bigger or less friendly (well, yes it is) but really it's my fear of how to raise them in an environment obsessed with THINGS. I spent a more than ample share of my life obsessed with THINGS and it has taken every ounce of my being to learn that life is about more than what we have or will have. How do I teach my children that when they are still small enough for it to make a true difference in how they view life? Don't get me wrong, I like stuff as much as the next person, but I've had to figure out which stuff is truly important and what is just CRAP. Still working on it, as a matter of fact. Do they have commercial free TV in the lower 48? Can I send my child to school without her coming home wanting every new gadget with a logo on it? Is there a bubble available for me to move into?
I'm putting it in writing. I WILL raise my children without commercialism. I don't really know how yet, but I will figure it out. And when I do? I will BRAG until I am blue in the face. Marketers everywhere, beware. I will NOT let you into the brains of my babies.
And that, folks, is all.
Off to a workout!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My "big" little Bro!

So, I went to the PX to buy a magazine. I never expected to be able to actually purchase said magazine in our paltry PX magazine aisle. IMAGINE my joy and surprise to find the magazine, Revolver, actually in stock and waiting there just for me to buy it. Why, you wonder, would I be so interested in this magazine. Well, let's see... BECAUSE MY LITTLE BROTHER IS IN IT!!!! I know he is reading this and cringing at me making a HUGE deal about this, but it's totally my right as the dorky older sister!!!!!
Although most of my friends aren't really into major heavy metal, if you happen to find it remotely interesting, check out the new devildriver record. My brother produced it!!!!! The mention in the magazine was for this work.
Okay, I'm done bragging now. YOU ROCK MARKIE MARKERTON!!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Be my Valentine...

Okay, I'm done whining about website issues and I can't resist posting a few pics of my sweet valentines and Eva's handmade valentines for her little friends at school.

Love to all and may your valentine love last all year long!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself or lamenting my lot in life, I get reality checked. It might be something as simple as seeing someone who has no home sitting under an overpass on a piece of cardboard or as complex as a friend who is pregnant with her second child in a foreign country while her husband fights a war that seemingly has no end. This morning I cried as I read an email from a good friend who apologized for wearing her heart on her sleeve. What on earth should she apologize for? If more people wore their heart on their sleeve instead of some stupid logo or an overpriced purse, maybe she wouldn't feel self conscious about being emotional when she has everyone right to be emotional! Okay, no soapboxing, just some good old fashioned bragging about my kids!

Evie and Charley have started bathing together and it is so CUTE! Charley loves the water, splashing around like a fish, while Eva dumps water over her head to "clean" her. I think Charley is a transplanted fish. She LOVES the bath, the pool, the ocean, the rain. Dumping water over her head just makes her smile and splash more.

Samurai Baby preparing for mealtime! Self-feeding is definately high on the list of priorities for my chunky monkey. FINALLY, she holds her own bottle and loves to sit in her highchair and stuff herself full of puffs (or as evie calls them: floams), dried fruit and wagon wheels.

I would say something cute about this picture, but at this point, I am so SICK of messing with this stupid website that all I can say is HOW CUTE is MY KID.

Okay, now I'm just done, since I've been trying to mess with this post for 3 days. Check back later when I'm not ready to blow up the computer.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm telling my inner Bree...

Ya'll think we're MCCAWLEYS?

Ooh, I'm NAKED!!!!!

Pour me another, Santa...

My reasons to watch the grass grow...

Papa Rocks! What's up with those whiskers?

to kiss my -ss. Bye Bye Bree. Maybe if I say it enough times, it will come true. The type A compulsion to organize, categorize, label, list, straighten, dust, wipe, sweep, mop, pile and repile, vacuum, etc........................... might, just maybe, GO AWAY. Or hell could freeze over and the dinosaurs would return to rule our planet. I wonder how many hours, days, weeks & YEARS I have spent doing all of the above, plus some? Has is made my life that much better? (It has been mighty clean and I can certainly find most of what I am looking for... UGH I digress.) I dare say, not. I discovered something that I find quite sad about my life. When presented with a child requesting my attention or presence, if I find that I have a task on my to-do list, I'll often say, "just give mommy a few minutes to... BLAH BLAH BLAH." Or "maybe a bit later, mommy really needs to... BLAH BLAH BLAH." Well, guess what? There is no later, dammit. My children are going to grow up and I'll have missed moments because I'm ORGANIZING? So what the hell will they say about me? Wow, she was such a great Mom because the floor was so clean and the cabinets were SO organized!
This AHA moment didn't really just happen overnight. I just started noticing that I was always too "busy" when Evie just wanted my undivided attention, for whatever reason. And as hard as I have tried in the past to be able to just push stuff aside, I couldn't make myself. Then I went home. I looked at my children, my nieces, my brother and sister, my parents, my friends & extended family. And I saw people who meant the world to me were getting older. One niece is a "tween," with all the requisite anxiety, my brother is really grown up and has his own life & career, another niece is so adult and levelheaded she makes me want to be a better person, and my own children are changing a bit more every day. Getting older isn't bad, it's just life. But if we live so hard for tomorrow that we forget today, what the hell is the point? I think I may have said this before, these words sound so familiar. Do you think I'll listen this time?
I played a game with Eva yesterday for her Kindermusik class. When we got there today, I asked her to tell Miss Jennifer about it. Imagine my delight when she described it in perfect detail, with excitement and pure joy. That was enough to make me listen.
I've gone to bed every night for at least 2 weeks with unpacked boxes, dust bunnies in my corners and piles in places everywhere. Guess what. I'm NOT DEAD or in a mental institution. (Stay tuned, that is a minute by minute status.) Is it easy for me? Not really. Do I like it? NO. Can I live with it? You bet.
Bree- you can kiss my ass. I'm going to bed with a MESSY house.