Sunday, February 18, 2018

Someone else's child should NEVER be your personal platform...

I don't care what your opinions are, what reform you think needs to happen or how sad/angry/disturbed/violated you feel.
YOU are not the bereaved parent.  And you don't get to make the horrific and devastating tragedy of someone else's life your mouthpiece to share your personal agenda on social media, instagram snapshots or twitter hashtags.
Because regardless of how altruistic you think/feel you are, it's REALLY just using someone else's personal pain for your own interests.
Saying THIS is probably going to p*ss off a whole lot of people, many of them my friends.
Thank you, Brene Brown, for giving me the courage to call-
The issues that led to the horrific circumstances in Florida existed long before February 14.  If they bothered anyone as much as recent Facebook posts would lead us to believe, maybe, just maybe THAT should have been more of an ongoing conversation that leads to real family/social/lifestyle reform.
It should be an ONGOING CONVERSATION.  Not just one that exists when innocent children die.
Bereaved parents have a hard enough road to walk.  Let THEM choose the platform.  Until then-if you think society is going to hell in a hand basket, be part of the solution BEFORE it happens.

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