Thursday, May 13, 2010

What our family needs right now is,

I had no intentions of posting this or sharing this news. I expressed to both my Mom & Mom in law today that I didn't really want to share this with anyone, that I really just needed them to put their prayer warrior hats on and get that pipeline to God moving. And then I realized that if I don't share it, I don't get all of those prayers that I know we need right now.
I found out monday that I have polyhydramnios. (In a nutshell, too much amniotic fluid.) The cause is as yet unknown, pending some tests I've had and will have tomorrow. We are praying mightily that the cause lies with me and not our little bean. Without getting into details, there are many possible causes for this condition, some that stem from me and some from the baby. And then there are those that have no reason at all (idiopathic.) If my test results are negative, we will have to wait for my little man's birth to ensure that he is ok. So, for the first time ever in my life, I am praying hard for something to be wrong with me. Just me. Not our baby, my little bean, my five.
Please understand if I don't want to talk to much about this. I have to figure out how to get through the next few weeks until they induce me without thinking about this every second of every day. Please just put us in your prayers and send all of the positive thoughts you can our way. Please. Just pray.

With all of our love,
the clan mac


Unknown said...

I will be praying for you guys Tiffany. Please let us know if there is anything I can do for you.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany - rest assured that we are praying for you and little man and we are praying HARD! I know you know that if He brings you to it He will bring you through it but trust is hard when you are where you are right now. For me, the mantra "Jesus I trust in you" helps. I find myself saying it over and over. I will pray for peace and health and healing and courage.

thekellyfive said...

Will do!

Backside of Thirty said...

Team Gomez is praying! We Love you ALL!