Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Riddlelove and a free ergo baby carrier...

are on this great blog: riddlelove
I subscribe to the newsletter for the homegrown family, and received a blurb about an ergo baby carrier giveway. SO, I decided to pass the word on (welul, it was my way of entering the contest AND passing the word about 2 great blogs) to those of you who might be in need of a baby carrier. Which, based on the fact that I am one of the only people left still having children, is probably about 3 of you. :-) But, hey, 3 peeps is better than none!
SO, check them out for great recipes, great baby gear and great blogging.
Clan Mac Mama

1 comment:

Tommye said...

Even though I'm one of your friends who doesn't need the ergo carrier. I enjoyed reading these blogs. Thanks for sharing.