Tuesday, February 19, 2008

television sucks my brain dry...

Actually, I think it's my kids that do that, so that by the end of the day, all the energy I have left is the ability to use my right index finger for channel flipping and my left hand for drinking a glass of wine or eating chocolate or some other evil little snack that will go straight to my... whatever. So it all starts innocently. I'm tired, so I figure I'll watch a little boob tube while I fold laundry, clean up my room or just SIT for one minute. Well, one minute bleeds into the next and the next and the next, until I find myself watching discovery health about 8 foot tall people or 2 foot tall people or people who are 2 foot tall and give birth or babies born without stuff or with extra stuff. Well you get the point. Or I could end up cheering those crazy people who think American Gladiators is a worthwhile life goal or the lucky people on deal or no deal who ALWAYS manage to screw up a good thing. The point is...
I'm wasting too much time glued to the idiot box. Just about every day, I check the blogs of my friends. I'm always amazed that Lucia and Michelle (the busiest human working mom on the planet) manage to post almost daily. I think I've figured out why. Either they are doing illegal drugs, they've cloned themselves OR the real reason... they don't tune in to tune out at night! I used to only turn on the TV for my fave shows. Well, this stupid writer's strike left me adrift and show-less. SO, I spend my time now surfing for replacements, which leads to the discovery health thing, which leads a lot of freaking out about getting pregnant again or searching the internet to see if I'm really a dwarf or have some strange and rare condition that will cause me to turn blue and grow a third eye... to WASTED time!
What, you ask, do I wish to do with this time? Sew, read, take a bath, talk to my hubby, talk to my friends, POST on this blog! Anything.
Well, what to do? I SUPPOSE, I'll just turn the damn thing off. I might need moral support. I might need medication. Or I might just really enjoy the quiet.
TV... is evil.
(Unless it's showing Desperate Housewives or Lost or Survivor.) Crap, this is going to be hard.
p.s. Happy Valentine's Day. I did manage to turn off the boob tube long enough to make THOSE dresses.


Scooby1775 said...

Two Lil Angels in adorable dresses amde by their Mother...Oh life is grand! I couldn't wish for a more loving family. Look at those adorable smiles. As for the Help!!!!!!...We may have to have someone come for a visit soon, because lately I have been the same as Tiff, just wanting to veg in front of the TV after the girls go to bed. But I don't need help, just more popcorn!!!!

Backside of Thirty said...

You are not alone! I do the same thing! I might just copy and paste this to my Blog. haha. I'll just have to move there and we'll get eachother out! Sometimes we just need to zone out. We do have two kids. I'm walking around half brain dead as it is!
Love- Ali

Michelle Misterkiewicz Wright said...

Well, I certainly don't sew so you win there. I can barely sew a button on a shirt. I am pathetic. My blog is my way of procrastinating. Oh and I type and watch TV at the same time. lol I have American Idol on right now! :)

The Solley Six said...

oh my god those dresses are the KA-utest thing i've ever seen!!! go you! you will get SO much more done. i can't believe how little will power i have to turn the tv off when it's available (we haven't had cable in years) and i get NOTHING done.