ensued today at my Kindermusik Demo class. HOLY macaroni, the tidy bowl man leapt out of the damn toilet and grabbed my damn karma. UGH. It goes like so...
I finally get my contract with MCCS done to teach the community center.
My 20% doesn't get me much advertising, so I paper the ENTIRE housing area with fliers (1000 homes or so.)
I get not ONE measly phone call or email. UGH.
I forge ahead with my demo class because I am stubborn.
Last night, after 4 hours of searching, my Kindermusik instruments are NOWHERE to be found.
Well, can you say OH SHIT?
So, after a sleepless night, I forge ahead with the bloody demo.
At 10 am, as the 20 or so people are settling in (out of 1000 freaking families), I realize that this room I am in is an acoustical NIGHTMARE and every teeny, tiny, itty bitty sound anyone makes is amplified by like an INFINITE number of decibels. For the love of pete.
SO the chaos reigned, checkered by a few teachable moments and about 2 quiet minutes of You are My Sunshine. That was quite possibly the LONGEST 40 minutes of my teaching career. Which really stinks because I don't think the parents had any idea how a real class goes. Since a real class is usually only slightly definingly loud. and this was SO LOUD. Think Metallica concert.
Oh, happy day.
On a happier (really) note... an old friendship is on the mend. yay!
Musically deaf now,