Thursday, November 23, 2006

Sleepovers and Birthday Balls

Here's a few more pics. I'll post more and chat a bit later on today. Gotta get some breakfast, suck snot from Charley's nose, workout and plan the McCawley family day!
Evie and her buddy Isaiah having a birthday sleepover in the tent!

Okay, so here we go to Ball #2! Both were a blast for the first year ever! I swear it had seemed like the ball was just a boring excuse to dress up the last few years and finally we had a great time!


The Solley Six said...

oh no, being called old on your birthday! that's no good. it seems less insulting when it's not your birthday! at least your hips still work and you can go to a big-time ball with the young'ns! fracture free is the way to be.
Happy Birthday to YOU!

The Solley Six said...

and...why was Charley sick? is she better? and happy birthday to that big girl Eva! i hope her party was rocking!