Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I think I'll remember, but really...

I'll have to read this blog...
 to envision my sweet Charley all nestled in her bed, gloves on & glowing brightly red, sound asleep while the room around is lit in shadows from those crazy..glowing..skeleton gloves she so proudly conned her Dad into today.

 to remember the site of my oldest child all nestled in her bed, still such a little one at heart...

 to recall how much Sam LOVES his blue bear, how he must have him to go to sleep and how he insists we rock and sing "Happy" (Twinkle, Twinkle...) every night before bed....

to realize that one day my twins just grew up and grew out of those cribs and into big kid beds with "NO SIDES, MOM!"  (This was a direct result of the fact that they jumped in their cribs so much, so often and so hard that they actually BROKE them...)  and that Mercy looks deceptively sweet and laid back (and quiet...since that child talks from the time she gets up until she passes out at night...) while she snoozes on her double pillow pets with her mimi right where she might need it.

And to laugh as I remember how Max must sleep with the full compliment of animals, pillow pet, blankets and blue dog..."Mom, there is not enough animals...(spoken in the Grover voice, which just so happens to be my FAVE Sesame Street Character, so the fact that my sweet boy talks just like him completely ROCKS!)

But mostly, I'll just want to remember how softly they would breathe, how sweetly they would snuggle,  and how I love them so much my heart bursts a little every time I see them sleeping...innocent and precious, just the way God created them & gave them to me.  (Oh, and Charles...LOL)

Sweet dreams...