said the owner of that ADORABLE face, as he tried to rip my pants down tonight getting my attention...
apparently things are so loud and crazy here in clan mac land that my youngest little bean felt it necessary to display his affection loudly and with enthusiasm, thus ensuring his spot as favorite youngest child. (each of my kids is my favorite at least once a day...depends on who gives me the most kisses or snuggles!)
THAT Sam...what can I possibly say about him that might give you just the slightest glimpse into the miasma of personality that is my youngest son?
Most importantly, he LOVES TO LOVE....gives mucho kisses, over and over, snuggles with big hugs and ADORES playing with my face.
At my Mom's last week, he "melted" into the wall in a fit of wailing because I wouldn't let him go out by the pool by himself. I almost peed myself laughing.
Right before that, when my good friend T stopped by to pick up her daughter, his utterance of an 8 word sentence (EIGHT WORDS....he's TWO..."Mommy, I want water with ice in it.") prompted her to count the words and proclaim her astonishment. (She is his pediatrician, so that actually means a lot!) That time, I was so proud, I had permagrin.
He can utter 8 word sentences, but really just screams his head off like any good 2 year old would whenever he is not receiving things in a timely fashion, is given food he does not prefer, is overlooked for affection or cannot have his way with a toy/truck/ball/etc....This happens about every 5 minutes or so...I'm being fitted for hearing aids next week.
He is a BULLY and really enjoys aggravating the poop out of his brother, which he then alternates with giving Max hugs and love. (And he wonders why Max is NOT super enthused about hanging out with him most of the time...)
His favorite food at the moment is... OATMOLE! (Oatmeal for those of you who don't speak Sam.) Which is closely seconded by chocolate, as was evidenced by the screaming tantrum he threw tonight when I told him the M-n-M's were all gone. Thankfully, the glass on my pantry door is pretty toddler-proof...
He is built like a brick house and carrying him around is tantamount to lugging a sack of potatoes that refuses to support it's own weight. I'm beginning to list to one side, which will only serve to make me even shorter. (Yeah! More short jokes from my family coming right up!)
Being a big boy is top on his list of priorities...he eats with silverware, wants to try out the potty, must brush teeth with his big sibs, LOVES to "read" books. and gets p*ssed when I make him use a sippy cup. (And I mean P*SSED!)
Although, when we are outside playing, he is happy to be the little brother and be chauffeured around the block in any of the fleet of toddler vehicles we have here on my street of 20 kids under 15. (I'm not kidding....2 sets of twins 3 and under!) I particularly love it when he is riding shotgun in the pink Barbie Corvette while Mercy is 4-wheeling it like a maniac. (She actually makes it catch "wheel...")
Ah...and the melodious odes to pour forth from his lips...He LOVES to sing!! Baa Baa Black Sheep, Happy Birthday to You (which he sings as Happy to you!), Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star! The sweetest little notes are his voice!
Finally....he occasionally gives me a Mommy melt when he lets me rock and sing to him. That little ANGEL let me do it today. And when Mama didn't feel good, that was the cure I needed.
Ah, my sweet Sam Sam....
tho' you're a bit like Bam Bam,
inside you're all squishy...
you love to give a kisseee,
2 years have whizzed by...
in the blink of an eye,
no longer my wee one...
your baby years are done,
alas, in my heart you'll always be....
my tiny baby bee,
for now and for always...
for the rest of my days.
Happy 2 years to you...
my sweet bugaboo,
don't grow up to fast...
Mommy prays this time to last,
In your words, my little love....HAPPY TO YOU!!!! HAPPY TO YOU!!!
Love you forever...