Sunday, May 29, 2011

Where have all the babies gone....

In one week, just one, from today...Tank will be 1 year old. ONE. He will officially cross over to the not-so-snuggly, don't need you as much, too busy to hug you, too busy to sit in your lap, almost toddling stage. And that's it. 8 years of babies, 3 in 2 years and I'm finally a woman with no babies.
I am not so sure about this. I mean I'm SURE I am NOT EVER going to want to give birth again, have big leaky boobs again, be big and unwieldy again and be up half the night again. But, I'm not sure how to be a Mama with no snuggly little blobs of love.
Oh, I know. I can sleep all night. I can occasionally venture out with all 5. If I want a real treat, I try to hit Sam's Club and Walmart on the same shopping day with the Fire Team and Spare (Tank.) It's always an adventure...punctuated by "are those all YOUR children?" "Wow, you are blessed!" "Um, do you know how this happens?" Yup, to all of the above. Oh, and lest I forget..."wow, you sure are brave." Nope, just a glutton for lots of love.
I realized something lately. I haven't been a whole lot of fun for a really long time. Instead of embracing this life God has chosen for me, I've been fighting it. TOOTH AND NAIL. Mostly just like an irritated horse surrounded by buzzing flies, I've been randomly swiping at my life. I'd venture to say I was a Hostile Homeschooling Harpie.
Well, in the words of my esteemed pal Sara, God has had a little convo with me, during which He informed me He is not pleased with my hostility. And, well, He's right. SO. In her footsteps I follow, telling the Hostile Homeschooling Harpie to take a Hike, to be replaced by Zen Master Cool Homeschooler Extroardinaire.
As I embark on this journey of calm in the face of all things Crazy Clan Mac, wish me peace and a quiet voice... I find that the little dervishes actually listen a little better when I whisper their proposed exile/punishment. Well, that and I'm just tired of yelling over the din. Chaos be gone. Or if it insists on staying, stay out of my way! I'm on a Zen mission.

Breathing deeply and surrounded by zen-ness,
Clan Mac Mama
p.s. No, my blog was not hijacked by Angi. :-)

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Dear Mercy,

Mommy was so inspired by you today! Out of nowhere, you started dancing just like a ballerina, complete with hand movements and tippy toes, twirling about the playroom, you face the picture of sweet peace and bliss. You followed this sweetness with many snuggles for Mommy right before you informed me you wanted to take your nap. (!)
When you woke from your self imposed slumber, we took a stroll out front to enjoy the evening. After you made your way down the front steps, you spied your favorite neighbors on their porch and proceeded to greet them with a princess worthy wave and a "Hi!" (You repeated this several times, enhancing the cuteness factor...)
I was then informed that you wished to go for a walk. Off we went. Our stroll was sadly cut short by a scooter-bike collision between your sisters, so we headed in for some vittles. Much to your joy, one of the fave neighbor children "A" helped us shepard our supersized clan in for the evening. Suprisingly, you then settled at the table with some colored pencils and a book instead of tagging along after "A." I brought you some paper to help you "write" the ABC's, since you seem to feel that you must dictate letters frequently and we must repeat them. In order, I might add. Here you sat until I served you & Max your gourmet meal of taters, fish sticks and steamed broccoli. I told you both to pray before you ate golly, you did! You blessed your food and thanked God. I think my heart cried a little with happiness.
My sweet child, I love you so much. What joy you bring to my life. Thank the Lord, He blessed me with you.
p.s. You can also count to ten, speak in paragraphs, follow lots of instructions, sing ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Ring around the Rosy, My Favorite Things and so many other songs! And best of all, you exude sweetness from every pore. (Except when you are instigating your brother...) Oh, and when Mommy asks, "Mercy, who's your twin?" You love to say, "Max, my twin!" AND, I almost forgot, you love to ask Max to chase you, boss him around, take care of babydolls, carry purses, wear lots of jewelry, clothe yourself in only dresses, carry your own purse, change clothes often, pick your own hair pretties, and try on all the "big girl" shoes. :-)

Straight from the stinker's mouth...

Me: Charley, Nana has wooden spoons here to. I'm sure she'll let me use it if you don't straighten up.
Charley: Really Mom? Because I have a bigger one.
Me: (mouth hanging open, speechless...) I got nothin'. Moving on...

Charley: Mommy, your hair looks crazy! You look just like Aunt Sammy now!
Me: Gee thanks...would you like to call her and tell her?

Me: Charley, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Charley: Mommy, you silly, I'm not going to grow up. I'm always gonna be little and live with you!
Me: You are my favorite child....