so little time to remember them. :-(
And life is just whizzing by here in our maniacal mac clan...
Sam is almost 10 months old....
Max and Mercy talk, listen when it strikes their fancy, demand with clarity and just generally aren't even remotely babies anymore.
Charley...well she talks like a 20 year old and behaves like a 2 year old.
Eva? Chapter books, spa parties, mommying to her sibs and helping her mommy. (all the time...what a gift she is.)
I had a funny chat with a friend last night, during which we were discussing issues with finding specialist doc care for kiddos in a military town. I recalled my ease in finding a pediatric ortho doc to look at Mercy when she was doing something odd when she walked...I couldn't for the life of me recall if it was walking like a duck or walking on her toes. Well, my good friend remembered it in detail...So I decided then and there that I should stop trying to recall every little thing and record it and simply pass my kids baby books around (well...if they all had them, not just the first 2) and let my "village" fill it in.
So here is my request of all of you that get to see my kiddos grow up...if you remember something, anything....even just a smidget of info that I can pretend I remember, would you just shoot me a little reminder so I can then copy and paste it to this blog, change it up a bit and pretend I actually wrote it down? Thanks so much. It will save me thousands in therapy bills when they are older. Or not. They'll probably read this post and realize I just made it all up.
Seriously. It's time to move on to what I actually do remember...
He sits, he rolls, he eats, he laughs like a maniac, babbles a blue streak, smiles so big you think your heart will just burst with love every time you see it, he chews...on anything he stuff into his mouth (still no sign of any toothers though!)
He adores his sibs, cannot stand to be left alone (he is so unused to quiet and alone time that he just doesn't know how to act when it happens...).
He lives for the snuggles and sleeps like a bear.
And that about covers it for today's memory cells...
Clan Mac Mama