so, my Max man is not only a physical clone of my brother, he has the same taste in music...Sitting in O'Charley's tonight for dinner (in the bar area with Charles, our 5 kids and Christy and her 3...nice.) and the "night" music gets cranked up. Head bangin', throat screamin' craziness. And there is my son. Grinning like a chesire cat, bopping up & down, swaying side to side, clapping and whacking his straw on the table. And on that note....
I need to have my own TLC show so I can have these bits of insanity preserved for posterity and all that world to see.
Micky Simons has decided that it'll be called...
Tiff plus Ten
I told him not to walk on front of my car, as I might run him over. After I finish beating him with a wooden spoon. But he has that silly video of Big Echo night in Okinawa, so I better let him live. :-)
Personally, I'm pretty sure that Tiff and Mac plus 5 is plenty, thank you very much. I still remember my name and the month, so let's not push it.
Off to watch Eureka with the spousal unit. More later!
clan mac mama