The new look of the Clan McCawley...

Our family of 6!
Mercy Elaine, 5 lbs 15 oz, 18 inches long, Fell out at 1:02 pm
Max Marvin 6 lbs, 19 inches long, Dragged out at 1:19 pm

The M-n-M's taking a snooze, waiting to be chauffered to their abode.

Snuggling up for a smooch. Better enjoy this while it lasts!!

Charles and I ready to ride off into the sunset with our newest mini macs.
THIS shirt just proves that I won the hubby lottery!
Definitely makes a postpartum mamma feel special!
Mercy Elaine...
During my bible study last year, I found out (after MUCH prayer) that we were expecting. THEN I found out there were TWO. So, imagine my joy as I shared my news with my sisters in Faith. So, one warm night as we shared our studies, a name popped into my head.
I was blessed with these amazing babies through the Mercy of our God.
And so she is Mercy.
is my mother-in-laws middle name. I ADORE my mother-in-law. She is kind, loving, generous, honest, faithful, and the BEST mother-in-law EVER. She never blows smoke up my butt, tells the way it is and always manages to do it with kindness. AND, she cooks better than Paula Deen!

Max Marvin...
McCawley sounds a bit like an irish rabbi, doesn't it? It is an amazingly strong name for the first grandson on my side and the first boy to carry the name on Charles' side.
Max was my great grandfather and my dad's uncle. I never knew either of them, but I love the tradition of carrying on a family name from my father's jewish roots. Jesus is my favorite jew, so this is my nod to our Savior.
Well, Marvin is my dad. My strong, loving, giving, generous, honest, cuddly as a big bear, sorta Santa, super fun, hard working, FINALLY healthy, DAD. I love my Dad and I love that my son's name is reflective of the man who influenced me most and best. He never gave up on me, hung up on me in boot camp (long story, but it was a good thing,) always believes in me when I don't AND he cooks better than Emeril!

and since I never did this explaining thing for my other 2...
Charley Anne...
Charles is a family name on the McCawley side. My father-in-law, hubby and many other Mac men are named Charles. I couldn't think of a better man than my hubby & his his wonderful father to name my daughter after. And so far, let me tell you. My little girl is all boy. She loves cars, trucks, boots, jeans, hats and is a scary little daredevil. I have a feeling she will take me on many trips to the ER. Thank the Lord her aunt is a nurse!
Anne was my Nana's middle name. (my Mom's mom.) She was a huge influence in my life. She lived with us for 7 years before she went to live with the Lord. She taught me grace, drove me on the wrong side of the road, nurtured my love of all things handmade, taught me old movies are the best movies, secretly let me watch soaps when my Mom wasn't home, and drew her last breath with My mom and I standing by her side. She was my inspiration to excel in the Marine Corps and I still miss her, 18 years later.
Eva Grace...
Eva was my grandmother. She was married to my Grandpa Mark for many years until he went to be with the Lord. She moved out to Maryland to be with us when he passed. An extroardinary woman, she emigrated from Germany after WWII, making her way successfully in her new country. Her talent as an artist was inspiring and unique. Having her artwork in my home brings me great joy and reminds me of her strength and determination. Although she and my Nana had been married to the same man, they were great friends and spent most of thier time together getting into mischief and making fun of "old" people. Thier idea of a good time was NOT spent at the Senior center. (THAT was the equivalent of chinese water torture!) Although Grandma Eva never had children of her own, her legacy will live on in my first born.
Grace was my sister's idea. She just thought it was beautiful! To me it flowed like soft silk in the wind when it rolled off my tongue. And through the grace of God I was in a wonderful marriage and expecting my first baby with the love of my life, so it just fit. And my sweet baby girl is growing into a graceful and unique child, one who floats through my life like that soft silk in the wind. Divinely inspired, I think.

I wish I could have given my children names to reflect every important person in my life, but if I did that, I would be like those obnoxious famous people who seem to think ridiculous names are thier children's birthright. SO, I picked these few. Maybe I'll have to have more kids so I can name them after my Mom, my Sis, my Bro....
Just kidding. I AM DONE. (God is probably laughing at me right now, as I try to make my own plan.)
So, I finally managed to post. No promises on how long until the next one, but I promise to try to keep up. Hope you are all well!! Thanks to everyone for well wishes, cards, flowers, gifts and most of all, YOUR LOVE!!
Signing off as a Mom of 4.
Holy Crap.
tiffers & the many mini macs
Our family of 6!
Mercy Elaine, 5 lbs 15 oz, 18 inches long, Fell out at 1:02 pm
Max Marvin 6 lbs, 19 inches long, Dragged out at 1:19 pm
The M-n-M's taking a snooze, waiting to be chauffered to their abode.
Snuggling up for a smooch. Better enjoy this while it lasts!!
Charles and I ready to ride off into the sunset with our newest mini macs.
THIS shirt just proves that I won the hubby lottery!
Definitely makes a postpartum mamma feel special!
Mercy Elaine...
During my bible study last year, I found out (after MUCH prayer) that we were expecting. THEN I found out there were TWO. So, imagine my joy as I shared my news with my sisters in Faith. So, one warm night as we shared our studies, a name popped into my head.
I was blessed with these amazing babies through the Mercy of our God.
And so she is Mercy.
is my mother-in-laws middle name. I ADORE my mother-in-law. She is kind, loving, generous, honest, faithful, and the BEST mother-in-law EVER. She never blows smoke up my butt, tells the way it is and always manages to do it with kindness. AND, she cooks better than Paula Deen!
Max Marvin...
McCawley sounds a bit like an irish rabbi, doesn't it? It is an amazingly strong name for the first grandson on my side and the first boy to carry the name on Charles' side.
Max was my great grandfather and my dad's uncle. I never knew either of them, but I love the tradition of carrying on a family name from my father's jewish roots. Jesus is my favorite jew, so this is my nod to our Savior.
Well, Marvin is my dad. My strong, loving, giving, generous, honest, cuddly as a big bear, sorta Santa, super fun, hard working, FINALLY healthy, DAD. I love my Dad and I love that my son's name is reflective of the man who influenced me most and best. He never gave up on me, hung up on me in boot camp (long story, but it was a good thing,) always believes in me when I don't AND he cooks better than Emeril!
and since I never did this explaining thing for my other 2...
Charley Anne...
Charles is a family name on the McCawley side. My father-in-law, hubby and many other Mac men are named Charles. I couldn't think of a better man than my hubby & his his wonderful father to name my daughter after. And so far, let me tell you. My little girl is all boy. She loves cars, trucks, boots, jeans, hats and is a scary little daredevil. I have a feeling she will take me on many trips to the ER. Thank the Lord her aunt is a nurse!
Anne was my Nana's middle name. (my Mom's mom.) She was a huge influence in my life. She lived with us for 7 years before she went to live with the Lord. She taught me grace, drove me on the wrong side of the road, nurtured my love of all things handmade, taught me old movies are the best movies, secretly let me watch soaps when my Mom wasn't home, and drew her last breath with My mom and I standing by her side. She was my inspiration to excel in the Marine Corps and I still miss her, 18 years later.
Eva Grace...
Eva was my grandmother. She was married to my Grandpa Mark for many years until he went to be with the Lord. She moved out to Maryland to be with us when he passed. An extroardinary woman, she emigrated from Germany after WWII, making her way successfully in her new country. Her talent as an artist was inspiring and unique. Having her artwork in my home brings me great joy and reminds me of her strength and determination. Although she and my Nana had been married to the same man, they were great friends and spent most of thier time together getting into mischief and making fun of "old" people. Thier idea of a good time was NOT spent at the Senior center. (THAT was the equivalent of chinese water torture!) Although Grandma Eva never had children of her own, her legacy will live on in my first born.
Grace was my sister's idea. She just thought it was beautiful! To me it flowed like soft silk in the wind when it rolled off my tongue. And through the grace of God I was in a wonderful marriage and expecting my first baby with the love of my life, so it just fit. And my sweet baby girl is growing into a graceful and unique child, one who floats through my life like that soft silk in the wind. Divinely inspired, I think.
I wish I could have given my children names to reflect every important person in my life, but if I did that, I would be like those obnoxious famous people who seem to think ridiculous names are thier children's birthright. SO, I picked these few. Maybe I'll have to have more kids so I can name them after my Mom, my Sis, my Bro....
Just kidding. I AM DONE. (God is probably laughing at me right now, as I try to make my own plan.)
So, I finally managed to post. No promises on how long until the next one, but I promise to try to keep up. Hope you are all well!! Thanks to everyone for well wishes, cards, flowers, gifts and most of all, YOUR LOVE!!
Signing off as a Mom of 4.
Holy Crap.
tiffers & the many mini macs