Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Beautiful Legacy...

3 weeks ago today, on what I though was just an ordinary day, I stood in Cathy's driveway.  Shaken to my core.  Shocked. Sick. Heartbroken.  The unthinkable had happened.  2 of my oldest friends, people who knew me "when...," one of whom stood with Charles and I as we swore our love forever, had just lost their sweet son.  Inexplicably, without warning.  The shockwave that tore through our tiny community was palpable and heavy.

Although the funeral weekend that followed was a blur, one thing stood out in my memory as I prayed for the Hansill family in the ensuing weeks...a video of Kyle teaching a class full of our SBA students about the Salvation we can find ONLY in the sacrifice that Christ made for us.   He had educated the kiddos in the most simple of terms, using stick people, a bridge and the cross.  That was the beauty of it.  Salvation in Christ is just, well, SO SIMPLE.  It doesn't require anything more than faith and acceptance of the ultimate sacrifice that was made so long ago.  

Today, on what I thought again was yet another completely normal, simply ordinary day... I sat in Eva's homeschool co-op class, absentmindedly watching presentations & whispering with the other moms.  As Jacob Caldwell was up for his turn at presentation, Kerry & I stopped chatting to watch.  My heart skipped a beat and we stared at one other in astonishment as it dawned upon us both what Jacob had chosen to share.

He was standing at the board, giving the lesson he had learned from Kyle.  He remembered it, word for word, picture for picture.  His sweet voice was clear, strong, and convicted.  When he finished, he turned, pointed to the 3 people (one fleeing God, one who knows God but doesn't pursue His love and one who accepts His gift of salvation) above the bridge that signifies Christ and said, "I only have one question for you? 
Which one are you?"  

Once Kerry had picked her jaw up off the floor and dried her tears...she exclaimed, "That was NOT what he had practiced!  It was not the story he was going to tell.  I had NO IDEA he was going to get up there and do that!"  (I think she repeated this at least 3 times...)  I was too busy sniffling and staring to even respond...

Today, that boy that loved the Lord with every ounce of his heart spoke through the heart of another boy.  His inspired actions proving once again, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the love of Our Lord is forever, eternal, and omnipotent.

That, my friends, is more than a beautiful legacy.  It's divine.


1 comment:

Donna Askew said...

Out of the mouth of babes,., comes something so profound!