Saturday, March 05, 2011

I live for...

little moments like that....
You know that country song? Sing it just a bit for me. Then read all about the moments whose time and date escapes me, but whose details, praise the Lord, don't.

Sam sat up, now he sits...and he rolls...and he scooches a bit. He has this hysterical method of rolling his fat little body from side to side with his giantly cloth diapered butt high in the air as he tries mightily to reach whatever object is just outside his little stratosphere...It's almost like a crippled caterpillar. HA, I love baby ingenuity! His appetite is epic for this family of light eaters (save for Charley,) his demeanor beyond sweet, and his presence in our family? Precious! So very precious.

He's my last sweet, snuggly, smooshy, smunchy baby. And my bigs are getting so much bigger...I'll blink and before I know it, they'll be grown and I'll wonder where all the time has gone.

And then I'll look at pictures and read this silly blog...and I"ll remember.

The Mommy

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